Calamity [Part 4 - Luke]

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A/N So, here it is the FINAL part of Calamity. It's been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster with this one, I do apologise. I hope this last part will live up to your expectation. Don't forget to comment and let me know what you think :)

Thanks for everything x


Waking up again, the florescent hospital lights were initially blinding. You still felt nauseous, and as your thoughts from earlier on came back to you; your stomach churned. Just the thought of being such a cruel bitch as to keep information like that from him wasn't fair. You knew that. Blaming yourself for being scared to be pregnant, well, that wasn't fair either. You were being too hard on yourself, at the age of 19, you were nowhere near prepared to be a mother. Instinctively, you rested your hand over your stomach and rubbed it a little. The baby still needed to know you cared.

"Y/N, you scared me earlier." Luke's heavy footsteps came rushing towards you. He placed a sloppy kiss on your forehead.

"I'm sorry. We ... We need to talk about, well, you know." You replied hoarsely, and Luke was quick to hand you a glass of water.

"The baby?" For some reason, you almost heard anguish in his voice. Maybe he just felt the same way you did about the situation. Nodding at him, he tried to speak again, "Y/N, I-"

You interrupted him, wanting to speak your piece first because it was too difficult to hold it in any longer. "Luke, I'm so sorry. I should've told you the minute I found out, I was just so fucking terrified. I mean, we're so young and bringing a baby into this lifestyle. Would it really be fair? After everything that's happened though, I kind of feel like life is so precious and you have to hold onto it, no matter what. I think I want to keep it, Luke. I think -" He couldn't take you not being aware of the truth any longer. His heart ached for you; broke into a trillion shards in fact.

"Y/N, the baby didn't make it." He hurriedly blurted out. That's when your whole world stood still. You weren't aware that you were crying until Luke wiped your tears away. "I'm so sorry, babe. I really am." Truthfully, you couldn't even form a response. What was there left to say? You were ready to accept motherhood, but it had been stripped from you almost instantly. It was your fault the baby was dead. Your baby was dead because of your idiocy. Only a fragile, tiny soul that was ripped from earth so soon, and it was your fault. Before you knew what was happening, Luke had you cradled in his arms and his own tears were splashing off your scalp. Hearing what you had to say about the baby, made him realise that he would've wanted you to keep it. He would've stood by you; even with the other constraints in his life keeping him from you some of the time. He would've done anything so long as you were happy. Seeing you shaking and racked with sobs made him consider the fact that it might be a long while until you were happy again. The moment he told you the news he saw the colour drain from your face, and your eyes lost their shine.

For hours, you sat in the same way with Luke holding you close and blaring your eyes out. He'd managed to control his crying long before you did.

"Shh, just sleep." He knew the crying must have exhausted you, and he just needed you to be calm. He worried the stress might cause you to collapse again. However, he couldn't do anything to stop your heart from breaking, and he knew that. No matter what did, he knew that a part of you would always feel like it was missing something.

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