Lovesick [Part 1 - 5SOS/Niall]

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It had been a long time since you'd last seen Niall because of his hectic schedule, and you missed him unbearable amounts. So when he'd called you earlier in the day and asked you to go over his, how could you refuse? You'd been dating each other for the past two years and he made you the happiest girl alive. There was no doubt about it. Anybody could tell how in love with each other you were by just looking at you together.

Knocking on Niall's door, you opened it and went inside. The knock was only done to make him aware you were there. You never had to wait for him to let you in because he'd insisted from day one that his door was never shut to you, and you could come in whenever you liked.

"Niall?" You yelled, hoping to get his attention. It didn't take long before a pair of arms engulfed you in the biggest bear hug.

"Y/N, baby, I've missed you so much!" Niall exclaimed before kissing you quite forcefully on the lips. His kisses were your favourite, they started slow and sweet, but eventually became a full-blown make-out session where his passion and love for you really showed.

Pulling away you rest your forehead against his, "I love you." You always told him it, just to make sure he could never forget.

"I love you too. Ashton, Luke, and Calum are in the front room. I invited them round because they've missed you too, or at least that's what they keep telling me." Niall shook his head slightly, but a smile was on his lips. He'd become very close with the other boys because of touring with them and he loved them like brothers. They meant a lot to him and you knew he loved having them around when he could.

Stepping into the living room, you heard Ashton's laugh before you even saw him. His laugh was the one thing you'd all agreed you loved most about him. Besides his incredible personality and such like, that was your favourite thing about him.

"Y/N!" Luke cheered and ran towards you. He'd always towered above you because he was literally a giant. He reached you and wrapped his arms around you. Luke gave some of the best hugs for sure, but you'd never admit that to anyone. Niall would argue about it profusely.

Next was Ashton, who pulled you into him really tight. He wasn't as tall as Luke, in fact, nowhere close. He was an average male height so at least you could rest your chin on his shoulder during a hug.

"Lovely to see you again!" Another thing about him, his Aussie accent never faded.

Last was Calum, even though he greeted you politely enough and gave you a hug, he seemed slightly agitated. He was usually the always calm one of the group, but he didn't seem it right now.

"Where's Michael?" You questioned.

"He couldn't spend an afternoon without playing watchdogs. Seriously, if you think his obsession with BioShock was bad, you should see him on this." It was Luke who said it with a roll of his eyes. They all loved to play video games, but not as Michael did. It was like a drug to him and whenever you went to their apartment, he'd always be playing on a game.

"Guys, we need to pick a movie to watch." Niall declared and they decided on one very quickly. They chose to watch Frozen, which you had absolutely no complaints about. "But this is all you ever watch!"

"I want to watch it too, Ni." You always called him Ni giving him your best doe-eyed gaze that you knew he couldn't refuse. He sighed before nodding his head.

"Ok, but everyone's got to sing along!" You all cheered jokingly. You sat down on the couch beside Luke and Niall came and took the seat on the other side of you. For some reason, you felt like someone was watching you and it felt quite uncomfortable. Glancing around the room, your eyes locked with Calum's but within a split second, he averted his gaze from yours. Why had he been staring at you? You were tempted to ask but the movie began to play and you lost the chance.

For the entire movie, you recited every single word with Luke. He'd clearly watched it many, many times. Michael was the one who got them all obsessed with it because he constantly quoted it and sang the songs. Calum didn't sing along as much as he usually would, something about his mood was completely off. He'd been away from home for so long you concluded that he could be homesick. You made a mental note to talk to him once the film had ended.


During the end credits, you all got up and danced like crazy around Niall's living room. Accidentally, you bumped into Calum and he nearly fell over.

"Watch out, (y/n), jesus." He spoke so harshly you were taken aback. There was absolutely no need for him to be so rude. You didn't mean to bump into him.

"We need to talk." You grabbed hold of his wrist and dragged him out of the room. "We'll be back in a few minutes' guys; you keep acting like idiots while we're gone yeah? You're super good at it." You joked with the others and continued to pull Calum along behind you. Once you were in the hallway, you pulled the door shut behind you. You turned to face Calum, "What the hell has gotten up your ass?" You snapped.

"Nothing. You knocked into me, that's it." You knew there was way more to it than that.

"You're lying. Tell me what it is. Are you missing home or something?" You reached out to him but he recoiled.

"No." He said bluntly.

"Well, what is it then?" You couldn't help the aggravation that came out when you spoke.

"You really want to know what it is, (y/n)?" He looked at you now and took a step closer. You weren't sure how to respond so you nodded. "This will ruin everything we have, but I'm done hiding this now because I can't take it anymore. I'm sorry." He placed a hand on your cheek and you didn't know how to react so you continued to stand there. "I'm in love with you. And I hate seeing you with him, knowing that you love him more than you'll ever love me. I've pretended for so long that I didn't care anything about it, but I do care, so much. I'll wait for you even if you never choose me because I refuse to let you go. You break my heart every single day, but my love for you never falters. And that's what's wrong with me." His words had stunned you to the point of speechlessness. What could you even reply to that? His lips kissed your forehead so gently that you weren't sure if it had even happened. "I'll always love you, never forget that." Without another word or gesture, he went to the front door and left the apartment. For a few minutes, you just stood outside the living room door in bewildered silence. A single tear slid down your face as you recalled what Calum had just said to you.

Niall came into the hallway and noticed you frantically pacing around it.

"(Y/N), baby, what's happened? Where's Cal?" God, how you wished you didn't have to tell him. But Niall wouldn't give in until you told him and you knew that. You had to tell him because he was your boyfriend and he trusted you.

"I... I think Calum just confessed his love to me." 

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