Propose - No! [Ashton]

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A/N So this is just a lil one, it's probably not that good and I wrote it on my phone, so there's bound to be a couple of mistakes - Sorry!


This whole evening had been arranged endlessly for about a month. Ashton had been planning it so meticulously so that nothing could go wrong. He wanted it to be perfect. After all, you were the light of his life and he wanted to make sure you knew that.

He'd insisted you be ready for 7pm; ready for your dinner reservations at your favourite restaurant. Although, all of this was a unknown to you as he'd kept it a secret. You weren't one for surprises, which was somewhat unfortunate as tonight was going to throw surprise at you full force in a way you couldn't have quite imagined.

Ashton knocked on the bedroom door and 6:40pm, "Babe, you nearly ready?" His soft, nervous voice filtered through the door.

"Yep, I'm coming now." Picking up your clutch form the bed, you take on last look in the mirror. You're wearing an outfit that's a little more dressy than your usual band tee, black skinny jeans look. Your hair and make-up were on point, and you felt great knowing that you looked good.

Opening the bedroom door, you heard Ashton take a sharp intake of breath.

"Is everything ok, Ash?" You asked, feeling a little self-concious and started fiddling with the hem of your shirt.

Ashton tipped your chin up with his index finger, "you're perfect." He kissed your lips every so softly. It was the kind of kiss that made butterflies start to erratically flutter in your stomach. A blush spread across your cheeks; he could be such a sweetheart.

You left your shared apartment and headed towards the taxi waiting outside. Either one of you could have driven, but you were both planning on having an alcoholic drink so you couldn't. The taxi got to the restaurant in an almost record time since taxi drivers usually took you on an around the world trio before getting to your destination. They tended to use the 'road works' excuse in order to get more money out of you. Tonight, however, the driver chose not to do that.

Ashton paid the driver and came to open your door for you. He was being extremely chivelrous that evening. It's not that he wasn't usually, but it was a little more exaggerated than usual.

"I'm glad you've brought me here, I've seriously been craving this pizza for ages!" You exclaimed glancing longingly at your favourite Italian restaurant.

"Well, now you're here so you can have whatever your heart desires." Well, that a tad dramatic. Ashton had, had an almost frantic look in his eyes for the entire day. God knows what he had planned, but it was clearly scaring the crap out of him. You wanted to ask what was up, but you didn't want to accidentally spoil anything so you left things the way they were.

When you were inside the restaurant, Ashton held doors open for you and pulled out your seat. It was a teeny bit overbearing, but you knew he was just being sweet. The dinner lasted longer than expected as you kept talking instead of eating, and choking on your food from laughter. These were the times you loved being together because you could just be laid - back and have fun.


Once you'd finished your dinner, Ashton asked, "You wanna go for a walk?" Something told you that saying no was not an option, so you agreed happily and took hold of his palm which was sweating lightly. That was a definite sign of nerves.

After a while of walking, Ashton stood still and you halted.

"Why have you stopped?" You were getting concerned now, he'd been acting so oddly it just wasn't like him.

A shaky sigh left his lips, "Y/N, these past 5 years of my life have been the best I could have ever wished for." A quick pause and another shaky breath, "You're everything I've ever wanted and needed. You've given me the greatest love, and are the light if my life. Living without you is not an option I'm willing to consider." Slowly, he knelt to the ground. That's when it finally clicked, when you finally realised what was happening and you panicked. "Please, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" He popped the ring box open and revealed the most beautiful diamond you'd ever seen. You're world came to a stand still. Were you ready to make such a commitment? You had no doubt in your mind that you wanted to marry Ashton, but just not this young.

"Ash... I." You trailed off not knowing how the crush his soul nicely because there was no way to do that.

"Y/N, what is it?" He got up from the ground and shoved the ring in his leather jacket pocket.

"I'm sorry I'm just not ready. We're still so young, I love you and I can't imagine marrying anyone else but I'm not ready yet." You felt like shit because it was so unfair on him and you hated yourself for letting him down so awfully.

"That's ok. I mean I can't lie, I'm hurt, but if you're not ready then I'll wait. Hell I'd wait a lifetime to marry you if it came to that. Don't feel bad, love." He could tell you'd be kicking yourself for this. He knew how bad you felt over letting people down, but especially with this situation.

"I love you." The tears were starting to drip off your chin, and Ashton just shook his head and pulled you into him.

"No matter what, I'll never stop loving you. This only made me love you more because you chose to be honest with me instead of forcing yourself to do something you didn't want to do. All I want is you to be happy, always." His words were so sincere that it melted your heart. You shared a passionate kiss before making your way home.

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