Turned Off [Michael]

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A/N This is just a little, short one. I'm in the process of writing some other, longer ones. So don't fret :) 

Anyway, hope you enjoy.

Luce ♥


You'd been snuggled in bed with Michael for a couple of hours now, just talking about general life affairs and listening to some music. Michael had been shifting uneasily for about five minutes and his constant movement was starting to bug you.

"Mike, will you quit the squirming? I'm comfy." You were lying on his chest wearing one of band shirts and a pair of underwear. You were at that point in a relationship where both sides are completely ok with being naked together. All the time, well, if Michael got his way you both would be.

"I'd love to, but your causing me some issues right now, babe." The seductive edge to his voice was odd. Considering you were talking about the best Disney film only moments before. Michael finally decided just to sit up.

"Seriously? Why not just push me off the bed next time?" You huffed, sitting up and crossing your arms over your chest. Unfortunately, for Michael, you hadn't realised how turned on he was by you because during the conversation about Disney films, he'd actually been thinking of the easiest and quickest way to get you naked. Although you, of course, were unaware of the abruptly dirty turn his thoughts had taken.

"You know, I do believe that shirt you're wearing would look far better on the floor... along with the rest of your clothes." He was staring at you and undressing you with his eyes. Instead of turning you on, it sort of had the opposite effect since you weren't really in the mood for sex right now.

"I'm cold, I'd much rather keep it on." You smirked at him, fully aware by now of how you were making him feel. He flipped over so he was on top of you, with his elbows propping him up.

"I can warm you up pretty quick." His lips found their way from your collarbone up to your lips. As much as you wanted to enjoy this, and well you were, sort of, you really just weren't in the mood.

"Mikey, stop." You sounded a little bit irritated and he knew that was his cue to leave you be.

"Sorry, love. I didn't mean to upset you." He sounded a little disheartened. By this point, you felt a little bad but just because he wanted sex didn't mean he was going to get it. He was aware that no meant no, and he was fine with that, so long as you were happy. He'd never force you into anything you didn't want to do, sex or otherwise.

You sighed, "you haven't upset me. I'm just not really feeling it. I just wanna cuddle and watch movies or something." Within the next few minutes, Michael had set up the tv and put Big Hero 6 in the dvd player. He knew this film was one of your favourites. "Thanks, Mikey. I know I've been a bit drab, sorry."

He chuckled a little, "just because you didn't feel like having sex doesn't mean you're drab. You're anything but drab to me, I love you." He placed a kiss on your forehead and wrapped his arms around you. The rest of the evening was spent watching various movies until you both fell asleep.

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