Transformation [Luke - AU]

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A/N Ok, so I haven't said what kinda of AU this is; purely because you'll be able to work it out within the first few sentences and because I don't want you to be automatically put off. It's a pretty 'overdone' AU bc supernatural ones are very popular to begin with.

However, I just had to write it because the creative juices were flowing inside me and were literally like "girl, you gotta do this." And so, I've done it. I hope it's good and not too cliché, but I can't make any promises. Please try and keep an open mind, and not be overly critical if it's rubbish.

Ok, I'm just rambling because I'm super nervous to post this one, but anyway to the imagine. Hope you enjoy it, let me know what you think. Potential for a part 2? :-)


Truth be told, he'd been itching to feed on someone for a while. The rabbits and deer were bland... He needed more. Human blood was incomparable to any other kind of blood; it was intoxicating. The mere scent of it sent his mind reeling, and his fangs increased in length in anticipation. But he couldn't feed on a human. Why? He was terrified to kill the living. A vampire scared of murdering an innocent person was borderline hysterical; and yet he couldn't help it. As desperately as he wanted to indulge in the luxurious liquid; he refused to be a killer. He wasn't born a murderous vampire, so where was the need to become one?

Luke had been born a mortal. Honestly, the thought of becoming a vampire had never once crossed his mind. After all, it was completely ludicrous. Vampires were fiction and nothing more, or at least that's what he'd believed. There'd been numerous reports of 'animal attacks' for weeks on end and most people had stayed cooped up behind locked doors. Luke grew weary of staying inside, and decided to go out for a few drinks. Nothing could possibly happen to him, right? No, he couldn't have been more wrong.

Stepping into the bar, he noticed the lack of activity inside. The usually upbeat atmosphere was tainted with fear. The scent of greasy bar food and sound of darts hitting the board were non-existent. Something was weird. Even with the recent news surely some of the locals would have been out? There was no one in sight.

"Hello?" Luke shouted cautiously into the emptiness surrounding him. There was somebody here; he could feel their presence but he couldn't see them. His heart rate was elevated and his palms were beginning to sweat lightly. His cerulean eyes darted around the area furiously scanning for life. Before long, his guard dropped slightly because nothing was happening. I'm just being paranoid. Thinking that calmed his nerves as he approached the bar. Wait, where was the bartender?

"Can I be served please?" He yelled out towards the back of the bar. No, seriously, this wasn't right. There was always a bartender on duty waiting for customers. Yes, it was dead in the place, but surely someone would stick around in case of possible liveliness? Luke rested his head on top of his folded arms. He'd head home soon if nobody came.

"I'm sorry, were you waiting long?" The voice startled him from his near slumber. When his eyes lifted up from the counter, he was captivated by the person stood in front of him. He'd never seen anyone quite as beautiful. However, it was not only your beauty that struck him, but also you had an endearing aura. It was almost indescribable, but he felt drawn to you by an invisible wire.

"Uh, I mean, no not really." His awkwardness made you laugh.

"Well, what can I get for ya sunshine?" There was a sultry twist to your voice as you spoke. It drew all of them into your waiting arms. Luke was no exception to this as you noted the way his eyes never shifted from their gaze on you.

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