Coming Home [Michael]

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  Four months didn't seem like a long time apart until it came. The days seemed to drag on forever; each one drearier than the last. There would always be that part of you that was extremely proud and overjoyed for Michael and everything that he was achieving. All the dreams he'd chased since he was little were coming true and that was, without a doubt, incredible. Occasionally, you'd felt envious of his position in the music industry as you'd wished you could reach a similar destination in your own chosen career path. However, luck had never quite been on your side and you'd insisted on having no help from Michael in achieving your aspirations of being a top-selling novelist. Although his help would have been beneficial, you felt this was something you had to achieve alone. After all, it was your dream; not his. Michael appreciated that aspect of succeeding without inside help and agreed to let you do it alone. Of course by this point you were well known by his bands fan-base and the media, but neither were aware of your literary works. How was this possible? You used a pseudonym. If you used your actual name, you'd sell millions of copies easily because you were "Michael's girlfriend". That label irked you, but also made you realise how lucky you were. Lucky to be able to call Michael the love of your life; lucky to be able to share in his success and be with him.

Well, being literally with him had become impossible lately. Michael going on tour with the band for four months was a constant torture. No matter how much you trusted him; there was still a nagging in your mind reminding you that he was famous and could have whatever girl he pleased. Plenty of girls would be willing to do the deed with him given the opportunity. You'd always believed him when he'd assured you that there was no other girl for him but you. Then the media started working their magic. "Magic" meaning potential break-up strategies because a happy, in-love couple was not news-worthy enough for them. Happiness was not sought out in the media; it wasn't going to make the weekly profits increase. Recently the stories had been ripping your self-esteem to shreds. Michael had been linked with numerous beautiful women that you couldn't even begin to compete with. How could he not want to choose them over you? The majority of these women were already successful in a way you could only pray to match someday. There'd been pictures provided as supposed proof of all these alleged affairs as well; even though they'd never shown any genuine signs of Michael cheating. No kissing or intimacy could be seen in these pictures but your mind could not be put at ease.

Each time Michael had contacted you recently either via facetime or phone call he'd noticed subtle changes in your attitude towards him. Before he left, you'd spent almost all your spare time together and it was perfect. After he left, all he could provide you with were short conversations and he could tell the time apart was hurting you. You'd become distant while talking to him, and sounded awfully glum whilst saying goodbye. He knew the media lashing false accusations in your face constantly were one of the main causes for your distress. But he also knew there was nothing he could do to prove these affairs hadn't happened as you weren't with him to see it for yourself. Truthfully, he'd hoped that your belief in him to be faithful whilst he was away would be enough to assure you during the months alone. Now, he knew that wasn't the case. You weren't coping and your writing had slumped. In fact, you could hardly write anything and Michael had always asked to read some of your new pieces only to be met with the vague response of, "They aren't finished, sorry." You'd always been time efficient when it came to finishing a new novel, but in the past four months you hadn't finished one. Honestly, you'd scraped all of what you'd written because you knew it wouldn't sell. Well, it was dreadful, so how could it sell?

Michael was returning home that day and you'd been checking the time incessantly. Originally, you'd planned to meet him at the airport but you couldn't face him; especially not with all the lurking eyes and cameras surrounding the two of you. You needed the privacy of your shared apartment to be able to discuss the issues your relationship was facing. Michael had never been one to express his romantic feelings. Being mushy and sweet did not come easily to him; that was until he found you. Still he struggled to express his true love for you; he was sceptical about using the three word phrase as he remembered how it had scolded him in the past. In the past, being too open about his feelings had only led to heartbreak and he couldn't handle the thought of that happening with you. This love hadn't been like the others he'd experienced. It was exquisite and all encompassing.

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