Cheater. [Ashton - Part 2]

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  The loneliness inside you magnified with each passing day. Your mum had tried everything to get you to eat more than a few mouthfuls of food at each meal, but you couldn't face eating anything. You weren't hungry; it wasn't food that you wanted or needed. There was nothing scarier for your mum than watching you deteriorate. She knew heartbreak; she understood your pain and knowing there was nothing she could do to help heal that pain was tearing her apart. When she'd heard what Ashton had done to you, she was threatening to commit all sorts of violent crimes on him even though she'd never actually commit any of them. He'd hurt you so deeply and you were her baby, she wouldn't forgive him for what he'd done. How could she?

However, the real question was: could you forgive him? Was that even possible? Cheating on you was the worst thing he could have ever done to you. Ashton knew that nothing he could do would ever make up for the pain he'd caused you. Breaking your heart was never his intention, but he'd done a grand job of fucking that up. A stupid drunken one night stand with a girl he felt nothing for. He lost his everything for nothing. His heart shattered every time your phone went to voicemail, and none of his texts were answered. In fact, you hadn't read them either which led him to believe you might have blocked his number by now. He couldn't blame you for going to the extremes though; he deserved nothing from you. He didn't deserve you.

For days, he'd been developing a plan of action of how to win back your heart. Frankly, he didn't care if it took weeks or months; he'd make it happen. He'd show you that he'd fight for you over anyone else. There was nobody else in this world that mattered to him as much as you did. Nobody that he cared for or loved quite as much. Of course, it sounded like lies considering that he'd cheated on you, but it wasn't. His love for you would never be a lie.

After numerous unanswered texts and phone calls, he'd resorted to extreme measures to find out where you were. Ringing up your closest friend was a risk worth taking to find out how and where you were. Seriously, if they ever saw Ashton again they'd be most likely to assault him. Hell, even answering his call was something they were strictly against doing. But he was persistent and pissing them off with his incessant calling. This was his fifth time calling now, and your friend was beyond done with it. They knew he'd just continue to ring until they answered.

Grumbling, Dominic answered the call, "oh well if it's isn't the piece of shit that broke my best friends heart. I'd ask how you are, but I don't care. I just hope you feel like crap." Well, he'd always been the sassiest guy you knew. Dominic had been your closest friend practically since birth due to your parents being next door neighbours. Nothing had ever happened romantically between the two of you; you're relationship was simply platonic. Ashton had initially been jealous of how close you and Dominic were. Then, you admitted to being in love with Ashton and all of that jealousy melted away. In fact, the guys had become friendly with each other... Until now.

"I didn't ring to get a mouthful from you, Dom. I rang to find out where y/n is and how she's doing. No offence but right now, I don't give a fuck about anyone else but her." He sounded agitated due to his lack of sleep recently. He'd been in a hellishly bad mood since you'd left.

"So you actually give a fuck about her now? Well, god damn maybe pigs fly too, huh? It's exceptional that you think I'd even tell you how y/n is doing, or even want to talk to you at all for that matter. If you cared about her at all; you wouldn't have cheated on her. Drunk or not when it happened; it's a pitiful excuse and you're still a dickhead." Dominic wasn't backing down. Why should he? He'd protect you at all costs; he'd always sworn to that and he was proving it now.

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