Calamity [Part 3 - Luke]

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  He'd not left your side for the few days you lay in your coma. Luke couldn't face leaving your side. What if you woke up and he wasn't there? Would you hate him for it? He wasn't going to leave to find out. His hair was flat, his eyes bloodshot from exhaustion and his complexion far paler than usual. Danielle had been in and out of the hospital to visit, not only did she have work, but also seeing her best friend that way was too much for her to handle. It tore her apart because you were always so full of life and strong, to see you near-death and the weakest you'd ever been was soul-destroying. They both just wanted you back to who they knew and loved. Losing you was not an option they were willing to consider.

Luke got up to stretch his legs that were stiff from sitting for so long. Stretching his entire body out, he started to pace the ward to get his body to start working again. He'd admittedly forgotten to eat or drink much recently. The boys had dropped off supplies for him like food, drink and clothing but he hadn't got round to using any of it. He'd rarely taken his eyes off you long enough to even look inside the backpack to see what was inside of it.

Strolling back into the room, he slumped back into the seat next to your bed. He'd been singing and talking to you every day just in case you could hear him. His faith had never faltered in you waking up; he knew you would because if he lost that hope inside of him, then you'd be dead. Being in the coma meant some part of you was still alive, and he clung onto that thought for dear life.

"You know the guys came in a couple of days ago with this backpack, there's some stuff in it but I'm not sure what." He'd kept telling you about all the little events that happened throughout the day; however, minimal or trivial they were. You'd always been quite nosey, although you'd always denied it whenever someone called you out for it. Luke just found it funny, and he knew that knowing all the little stories from the hospital would provide some source of entertainment for you. Picking up the backpack, he began to search through it and pulled out a couple of items. A card was shoved down one side and he pulled it out.

"Looks like the guys have written you a card; I'll read it out to you." Flipping open the envelope, he pulled out the 'get well soon' card and opened it. "Dear Y/N, we know you won't be able to read this yourself right now, but maybe you'll be able to when you wake up. We all love you, miss you and are praying that you make a speedy recovery. By the time you wake up, Luke might have even had a wash!" Luke chuckled, "All jokes aside, we need you here, y/n. All of us, but especially Luke. We've never seen him love anyone the way he loves you, and losing you... well, we couldn't bare to think what it would do to him." The tears were beginning to pour down Luke's face. "Please wake up. Love, Ash, Cal and Mikey." His three best friends had never faltered in a time of need. They'd been there every step of the way, and had stopped by at least once every day to check up on Luke and you. Luke's hand took a hold of your own as he raised it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it.

A few moments later, Luke felt his hand twitch and he looked directly at your clasped hands. Confusion struck him when he realised he hadn't moved, yet he felt the same twitch again. Letting go of your hand, he gently placed it back onto the bed. That's when he saw it; your fingers twitching. It was only a slight movement, but it was enough for him to know you were coming back.

Within an instant, Luke was on his feet rushing around and shouting for a nurse. Everything was happening so quickly that he didn't know how to contain himself. "She's awake, she moved! Please, hurry!" A nurse scampered into the room and couldn't quite believe her eyes.

Lying on the bed, your eyes began to gently open and were met by glaring bright lights. The sight was painful at first and it took a while for your sight to adjust back to normality. Honestly, the hospital staff were quite positive that you weren't going to make it. They'd been planning on telling Luke soon that you weren't going to survive.

"Amazing." Another nurse entered to assess the commotion that had unfolded and stood staring at you dumbfounded. Turning to Luke, she said "I'm just going to get the doctor. Your girlfriend is a miracle; she shouldn't have survived the accident with the injuries she sustained." The nurse left the room, and Luke repositioned himself right beside you.

"You are a miracle, y/n. My miracle." The adoration in his eyes was enough to make your heart pound in your chest.

"Luke..." You barely managed to whisper his name.

"Shh, babe, it's ok. You're going to be ok." A small laugh escaped his lips at the relief of knowing you were alive. His lips pressed against your forehead. He was so delicate as he was terrified to cause you any further pain. You'd been through more than enough. Every bone in your body ached, and moving caused more pain than it was worth so you decided to stay still.

It wasn't much later when the doctor came by to check you over. The doctor was aware of how much agony you'd be in and upped your dosage of morphine slightly to numb the pain. Within an hour, you were out like a light again. As you slept, you dreamt of the last few hours before the accident. For some reason, the memory of the accident itself was one you were not able to recollect. Sometimes traumatic experiences can be wiped from memory unless you revisit the place they happened, but you were definitely not going back there any time soon. Unfortunately, however, you began to remember about the secret you were holding back from Luke. That's when a nightmare took control of your mind and taunted you mercilessly for the rest of your sleep. You couldn't wake from them because you were knocked out from the medication.

Luke looked at you worriedly when he heard the faintest crying. He knew it could only be coming from you as there was nobody else in the room other than you and him.

"Shh, baby, I'm here." His hand squeezed yours a little tighter. As much as he tried to gently arouse you from your sleep, he couldn't and he knew it was due to the morphine. For a couple of hours, he had to sit and endure hearing you whimpering to yourself in your sleep, and it killed him not knowing what to do. He felt so helpless.

A while later you finally came around from your sleep, and you were racked with sobs. The nightmare had been so awful and went on for so long. The part that caused you the most shock was the baby. You were cradling it in your arms, and then it was suddenly ripped away from you and lay in a coffin surrounded by white lilies.

"Baby, look at me, you're ok. Everything's going to be alright." Luke was leaning over you and brushing hair back from your face. A fresh flood of tears cascaded down your cheeks at the realisation of what you had to tell Luke, as unknowing to you, he already knew about the baby.

"Luke?" You choked out in between sobs.

"Yeah?" His forehead crinkled in concern.

"The baby." That was all you could manage to say. When his face dropped, you felt your heart shatter at your feet. He deserved to know that you were pregnant with his child before anyone else, but he was only just finding out. How could you have been so selfish with such vital information?

"I know." Terror rattled you as you concluded that he'd already found out before you could tell him yourself. Did he hate you? Could he ever forgive you? Your head whirled with thoughts until you passed out again from the stress and guilt.

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