His Best Buddy [Calum]

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"I'M COMING!" Calum yelled as he ran towards his five year old son, Danny. The small toddler began to yell excitedly and he kicked the football a little further up towards the goal. His tiny feet pattered along the grass as Calum scampered up behind him. Watching and playing football with his son was one of Cal's favourite activities. It filled him with pride to see his boy run around a field kicking a ball. "Go on Dan, kick it into the goal!" You were never much of a fan of football but you liked joining in with a family game. You were always shoved into the goalie position because both your son and husband had deemed you rubbish at every other position.

Even though Calum could be competitive, he was never that way with Danny and always let him win. Danny came scooting over to the goal at his fastest running speed and kicked the ball softly. You never saved the ball when he kicked it, but you pretended to try for his sake. The ball fell with ease into the goal and Calum rushed over the Danny, lifting him off the ground and putting him on his shoulders. He started running around like a maniac whilst holding tightly onto his sons tiny legs.

"You know, you're the best football player buddy. I'm really proud of you." He loved his little boy more than anything and his family was his life. The love you all shared could never be replicated by anyone else. Calum put Danny back on the floor and made his way to you. There was a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

"Calum... What are you thinking?" You began to take a couple of steps away from him, but that just made him speed up. Within the next thirty seconds, you were flung over his shoulder and spun around like a rag doll. "Stop! Oh my god!" You squealed with laughter and your son stood and clapped at the sight, not fully understanding what was happening. Although, you didn't really understand either. When Cal finally put you down, you feel straight to the floor and the dizziness hit you. Accidentally, you pulled Calum down with you and he was on top of you... to say the position you were in was uncomfortable would be an understatement. Quickly, Calum moved to hover his body above yours.

"I must admit, I quite like having you beneath me. Especially when we're you know..." Just to emphasise where he was going with that comment, he leant down and placed kisses down your jawline.

In between your giggling, you placed a hand on his chest, "Cal, stop. Are you forgetting we have a toddler pretty much watching our every move?"

"He's going to have to learn about it one day anyway... Why not now?" He leant back down continuing where he left off.

"Seriously, no. You will not scar my poor babies mind for life ok, get off." You shoved him off you and onto the grass beside you. Sitting up, you outstretch your legs a little more and Danny jumps onto them. You let out a grunt as he nearly crushed your legs. Opening out your arms, he cuddles into your chest and wraps his arms around you. "Are you tired baby?" He nods lightly against your chest. It was getting on 7pm and you'd been out all the day, the little tinker had worn himself out.

"Let's get you home buddy, I'll read you a bed time story ok?" Calum ruffled his hair and you all made your way back to the car. You carried Danny the whole way back and as soon as you got in, he dropped off to sleep. You couldn't help but take a picture of him looking like the most adorable child ever. You were so glad he wasn't a screaming, unhappy child or you might not have coped in the same way. "You know, I've never loved anyone as much as I love the two of you. I'm so glad we never let anything ruin what we have now. You're incredible, and so is my little man." Leaning over he placed a delicate kiss on your lips.

Afterwards, you headed home and even though it was only 8pm, you were all worn out. You put Danny to bed; he didn't even slightly stir when you moved him from the car to his bed. Calum and you fell asleep on the sofa in the middle of watching a film with your head nestled in his chest and his arm protectively wrapped around you.

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