Calamity [Luke - Part 2]

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  A/N This is all in Luke's P.O.V for reasons that will become very clear. So, anyway, let me know what you think & if you'd like a P3 then leave a comment below! :)


Luke's P.O.V

"Luke, its Danielle, y/n's in hospital." The whole world came crumbling down around him. His hands were shaking at some ungodly speed and he dropped his phone to the floor. Getting up from the seat in the studio room, he pelted out the door.

"Luke?! Where the hell are you going?" Ashton hollered after Luke rather angrily.

"Y/N is in hospital." Those were the only words he could respond with. He didn't wait around to see if the other guys were following. Nor did he care if they were or not, you were the only one that mattered to him right now. The thought of you in a hospital bed attached to numerous wires was enough to send him into a frenzy. His beautiful girl whom he adored to the ends of the earth and back was lying alone, with only a heart rate monitor for company. Truthfully, he wasn't aware of the extent of your injuries, or your current condition as he didn't give Danielle a chance to explain.

Footsteps closed in behind him and a hand grabbed his shoulder to prevent him from going any further.

"Luke, hold up, I'm driving us there. There's no way you're driving in this state." Calum grabbed the car keys from Luke's shaking hands and hurriedly opened the car up. Michael and Ashton had no choice but to stay behind in the studio; only one of them was allowed to leave to go after Luke as management were only willing to lose two writers in a crucial recording session, not all four. It was selfish of them, really, all of the boys cared for you deeply as you were like a sister to them. Well, besides Luke, obviously. He was currently chewing away at his nails and the chances of him having any left by the time he reached the hospital were slim.

Calum got them both there as quickly as he could without breaking any laws regarding speed limits and suchlike. The conversation with Danielle had continued between her and Calum, he'd picked Luke's phone up from the floor when he raced after him and got the run down. Knowing that a traffic accident was the reason you were in hospital only caused him to be more cautious whilst driving.

Alas, they arrived at the hospital with Luke a complete mess. He didn't know what to do with himself as the tears and sweat poured down his face.

"Where is she?" Luke grabbed onto Danielle's arms frantically. She squirmed slightly; his grip was a little rough, but she understood. She knew how hard this had to be on him.

"Surgery. The accident fucked her up pretty badly." Danielle couldn't help but put things bluntly, she'd always been the same and this incident wasn't going to change that. Behind the façade of brutal bluntness and somewhat hostility, was a best friend clinging to the hope that her friend wasn't dead. She'd not been told the full extent of your situation either, since you were still in surgery and nobody had found the time to come and relay the information back to her yet. Honestly, this was the most terrified Danielle had ever been. You were a sister to her, the only family she needed considering her biological family was turbulent at the best of times. Losing you, well, she couldn't bare to think of what she would do. A life without you wasn't worth living for her or Luke. They both crumbled into each other's arms in frantic sobs not knowing what to make of what they were facing. Calum ushered them over to the seats to sit down for a while, god knows how long they would be waiting for news for.

Hours passed, Luke couldn't take sitting any longer and began pacing the waiting room. 7pm, you'd been in surgery since 3pm and they'd still had no word. This wasn't calming anyone's nerves, Ashton and Michael had also recently been in touch enquiring about you, but had found out the little information from Calum. All anyone knew was that you'd been in surgery for 4 hours. A little over an hour later, a doctor entered the waiting room and all eyes instantly landed on him.

"Danielle Banes?" She practically fell off her seat and stumbled dead-legged towards the doctor.

"What's happening? Is she ok?" They all stared at Dr Reed expectantly.

A small sigh left his lips, "For now. Unfortunately, the accident left her with some substantial injuries. We managed to control the internal haemorrhaging, however, we could not attempt to pull her out of her coma as the risks to her survival were too great. She will need to be kept in intensive care until matters improve, but we can't promise anything right now. Does she have a partner?" This question threw them all into confusion.

"I'm her boyfriend." Luke piped up feebly unable to comprehend decent speech with the bombshell that had just been dropped on them all.

"I'm sorry, y/n has suffered from a miscarriage. This ordeal was too severe for the foetus to survive." The entire world came crashing down at Luke's feet. You were pregnant?! Were, oh how bitter the past tense could be, and he hadn't even known. Not only was the potential risk of losing you still very real, but he'd also lost a child he wasn't aware existed. His feet dragged him to the intensive care unit where you lay attached to breathing apparatus. Your fragility caused his heart to break into a million pieces; never had he seen you so completely helpless. His hands clasped your own and he kissed your palms dozens of times.

Gently, his fingers pushed back your hair from your forehead. The coldness of your skin terrified him to no end, as did the paleness of your skin. He bent down to land a small kiss onto your head. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you this time." He felt guilty; as if he was to blame for the state you were in. How he wished this was all just one horrific nightmare that he'd wake from, and still be back at home with you cradled in his arms. However, he knew all too well that wasn't going to happen. This was reality. The thoughts of having to live without you were crushing him, and tears freely streamed down his cheeks.

"Please, please, don't leave me. I need you. I love you." Luke had repeated the line a million times over and he'd not slept at all throughout the night. He wanted to stay awake in case you woke up. Song after song was sang softly to you, even though he was unaware whether you could hear him at all. Prayers were made to a god he didn't even believe in, but he would stop at no lengths to ensure your survival. If he could trade his own life for yours; he'd do so in a heartbeat.

Morning rolled around and there'd still been no change to your condition. With every passing minute, Luke's heart sunk further into the ground. Nobody could be sure whether you would survive or not and that utterly petrified him.   

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