Halo [Michael & Calum]

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Ok so this is important. These two short imagines are based on a song I heard today called Halo by Lewis Watson. When I heard the lyrics, my heart just broke a little and I was literally sobbing. I'm gunna put the link just to the side of this so you can listen to it while reading.

Also, gunna put a trigger warning on this. It's not severe, but just in case.

Hope you enjoy these two, they're quite special to me so. :)



"Maybe you're lost
Maybe you're scared
And maybe you're lonely
Or you haven't got there yet

You're falling apart
Come way at the seams
And even when you're wide awake
You're drowning in your dreams"

You'd been wrapped up in your blankets for days; hiding away from the world and the people in it. All of the voices in your head were too hard to battle anymore. This life wasn't something you were willing to live anymore. How could you tackle such a horrific everyday feeling of grief and loneliness? Your heart was covered in stone, and your mind frayed at the seams. Whenever you encountered vile comments about yourself, you used to push them aside and pretend they didn't exist. But now that simply wasn't possible, not with how difficult everything had become. Sleeping was your only true escape from the agony living brought to you. However, sleeping had become near impossible to do over the last few weeks. Clutching the sheets to your shaking body, tears began to spill from your already bloodshot eyes. In times like this, living alone had never felt so lonely. You promised your parents you'd be fine a few months back when you moved out into your own place, but now that the demons were swirling and taunting inside your head, you felt like the worst liar. You felt as though you'd betrayed them, they trusted you to keep yourself in check and be happy and healthy, and you'd done all the opposites.

Your phone buzzed lightly on your bedside table; it wasn't the first time in the last few days it had done that. In fact, it was about the millionth call you'd received. Michael, your best friend, had seen your deterioration taking affect long before you even knew what was happening to yourself. He tried his best to see you every day so you had no reason to feel alone. Things weren't as black and white as they seemed because Michael often had to go travelling with his band, and he couldn't come by as often anymore. He wasn't there to protect you from your daily nightmares. How could you possibly resent him for being able to live his dreams of being a world-wide sensation? He was an incredible musician; he used to play you a different song every day to lull you to sleep. When he started travelling with the band, his visits, calls, skypes and texts became far less frequent then they ever had been before. Your heart longed for his company that you simply couldn't have.

The happiness you'd once felt had drained out of you day by day. You tried so hard to grasp tightly onto what little you had left, but now it was diminished... non-existent.

Your doorbell chimed downstairs but you didn't move a muscle. There was no strength left in your body to be able to initiate movement of any sort. A voice rung out from downstairs, but you couldn't hear them properly through your sobs. You were as frail as a flower in winter, withering away until the spring returned again.

"Y/N?" Again, the voice echoed around your small apartment. "Seriously, where are you?" The panic in Michael's voice was evident. You'd always been there to welcome him in with open arms, not today. In fact, you didn't even know he was coming by. This was the first time he'd been in a while.

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