Grim Graduation [Michael]

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This was it, the night you'd been looking forward too for so long had finally arrived; Graduation day! You couldn't believe it was finally here after all the years studying your ass off; it was going to happen. For months you'd been preparing for this; your beautiful dress hung perfectly on your body, your hair was styled perfectly and your graduation gown and cap just really made you look the part. Since you'd excelled in all your classes and completed them all, you got to graduate earlier with some of the other students. The nerves were creeping inside of you, and trying to eat was becoming difficult, but Michael made sure you ate whether you wanted to or not.

"Babe come on, just one slice of pizza at least! You can't go without anything all night you'll die off and I can't have that happening." He stepped in front of you with a slice of pepperoni pizza on a plate.


"No, don't go there. You've done that trick already; you will still look amazing in your dress even after twenty slices! One slice will hardly make much difference. Anyway, you look beautiful no matter what anybody else thinks." His lips lightly pressed against yours. He could be the sweetest person in the world when he wanted to be.

Michael and you had been dating for a couple of years now, but he made things difficult by becoming famous. How typical?! Well, it's not really that typical, but still.

This was the first time you'd been able to see each other in a few months and you were going to cherish every moment you got to spend with him. Unfortunately, your dad was also coming this evening. You know you should be happy that he's coming, but he's not the same as he used to be before your mum left him. Life had changed from the day she walked out on you both. Your older sister, Clara, left with your mum, but as you watched your dad break down you knew you couldn't just leave him alone. Sometimes, a part of you wished you had. He'd turned into an alcoholic lunatic who had no compassion left in his body. He was no longer the loving family man you remembered, not even close. Neither your mum nor sister was able to attend your graduation, apparently due to 'busy schedules', but you knew they just didn't want to be where he was. They felt like you'd betrayed them; that simply wasn't the case.

You sighed loudly, without meaning to, and glared at the ground beneath your feet. Why did things have to be so difficult? You slammed the now empty plate onto the kitchen counter.

Michael glanced up in shock from his phone and he could almost feel the sadness and anger radiating off you. He knew how much your family problems affected you at times and it broke his heart to see you having to suffer like this when you didn't deserve the life you'd been landed with.

"Is everything ok, y/n?" His long arms wrapped protectively around your waist from behind.

Spinning around you tried your best to put on a brave face, "Yeah, I'm great." You sounded far bitterer than what you'd intended. Damn, covering up how hurt you were was just not working at all. You tried to get past Michael, but his arms only wrapped tighter around you as he looked down at you.

"Don't lie to me; you know I won't believe that. Just tell me what it is that's bothering you." His voice sounded as sweet as honey. He always knew how to get you to talk.

Sinking into his embrace, you let out a groan, "I just don't know anymore, Mike. The one day where my entire family is supposed to be there supporting me and celebrating my achievements, only one of them is turning up. And he just happens to be the biggest jackass going. Why's this my life? What did I do to deserve this?" You broke down and your head fell reflexively onto his shoulder. Michael held you so close, trying to soothe you by rocking you back and forth in his arms and whispering sweet nothings to you.

"You really don't deserve any of this, baby, you don't. If I could take all this pain away from you I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm so sorry, but please try to be strong for me ok?" He pulled back, and tipped your chin up with his index finger so his eyes could meet yours. You could barely see through your misty eyes. Nodding at him, he kissed your forehead gently and wiped away your remaining tears. "That's my girl, don't let them ruin this day for you. You're worth so much more than they ever could be. I'm so proud of you, I love you." His words made your heart flutter erratically. He really was your guardian angel. He'd come into your life at a time when you thought everything was falling apart only to fix up the broken pieces of your heart. There's not one person on this earth that you needed more than him. Also, there was nobody else you needed at this graduation with you so long as Michael was there.

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