Play With Me [Michael]

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A/N Okie dokie, so I've never been laser tagging before in my life, so do forgive me if this is absolutely not what it's like. I did research it, but idk whatever. This probably isn't very good but hopefully it'll keep you guys going until Part 2 of Cheater.

Sorry again if it's crap, hoping it's not! If you wanna request anything then go ahead :-)

P.S. Sorry about the crappy tone to the A/N, my head feels like it's gunna explode so please forgive me! Also, lemme know what you think of the imagine!


Michael had been begging you for weeks to go laser tagging with him. At first, you'd outright rejected him but he became pushy about the subject. He'd resorted to not even kissing you, but only teasing to do so and adding on in the huskiest voice he could muster, "Well if you go to laser tag with me then maybe you'll get exactly what you want". That damn smirk on his lips was your weakness and he knew it. Of course, it wouldn't be right if he didn't use it to his advantage. If he kept this up long enough, he knew fine well he'd get his way. Your stubbornness and sexual frustration couldn't take much more of his constant teasing.

"Fine, ok, let's go to laser tag." You caved in when his hot breath fanned against your neck. He'd figured out all of your turn-ons by this point in your relationship. A year in and he had used them to his advantage on only this occasion. He'd sworn not to use them against you unless absolutely necessary, and laser tag was exactly that. This was affecting him more negatively than he'd realised; teasing you was nowhere as good as touching and kissing you how he wanted to. So, he was more than glad that you'd finally caved in.

"Thank god, you've been killing me." Michael theatrically placed a hand to his forehead.

"Seriously, and you reckon I haven't been suffering? If you weren't so damn handsome than maybe I'd never have caved in." You huffed.
"Shallow, y/n, that was so shallow." He gave you a look of mock disgust. Though really, he loved that you found him so good looking. He'd spent a long time knocking himself down in the looks department, but you wouldn't let him believe he was unattractive because it wasn't true. Honestly, he thought it was a miracle that he'd been able to be your boyfriend because you were simply perfect in every way. Corny as it sounds; it was true and he'd made sure you knew it.

"You know I love you for more than just your looks, Clifford." Leaning in, you were inches away from kissing his lips when his index finger was placed against your own.

"None of that yet; gotta actually get to laser tag first and then maybe I'll consider it."

Groaning, you grabbed the car keys, "Ugh, fine. Lets go dork."

Once you got to the laser tagging place, Michael's entire face lit up. He resembled a kid in a toy store. A small smile crept onto your lips at the sight of him. Seeing him looking this adorable really made you wish you'd agreed to come sooner.

When you'd finished getting the kit on, you rushed out into the arena. Michael was still fastening part of his kit up and he yelled after you, "Hey y/n, no fair!" There was a hint of amusement to his tone as he quickly headed out after you. You knew the best way to play was to find a great place to hide. The arena was huge so finding a place wasn't going to be overly difficult.
Rounding a corner, you flattened yourself against a wall. Michael wasn't hurrying to find you; he knew he'd be able to since this was your first time playing.

"You know, y/n. It's been a long time since we last, well, you know. And it's pretty dark in here... practically perfect conditions to finish what you wanted to start earlier." His teasing wasn't going to work this time. You were going to win; no matter what. When you didn't respond, he chuckled a little, "For someone who didn't wanna come laser tagging with me, you sure seem to be getting into it." He was close-by, too close. But the nearest wall would make you completely visible to him. Your only real option was to hope he'd never played at this particular arena before so he wouldn't know the layout. Although, that was highly unlikely he had to have played there before.

Suddenly, you were pressed up against the wall. "You're no good at this." Michael looked smug, "I can't kill you yet. There's something I've got to do first." His lips were forcefully placed onto yours as he kissed you. The second he started making out with you, he really didn't want to stop.

Between kisses you spoke smugly, "Are you sure I'm no good at this?" Then you shot him. Foul play was the last way you had to win.

"Now that was just cruel." He didn't look disappointed, though. In fact, he was grinning and leaned in to kiss you again.

You shook your head at his advances and placed your hands against his chest, "If I remember correctly, you're dead."

Raising his eyebrows, he cupped your face in his hands, "Hmm, I must be in your dreams then." Really, you should have seen that one coming. The corniest line imaginable was obviously the one Michael would say to you.

You rolled your eyes, "shut up." You dragged him towards you by his collar and and kissed him deeply. Now, he'd definitely stay quiet.

Though it was fair to say that later that evening he was very vocal in bed with you. 

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