Surprise [Michael]

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Tonight was the night you'd been waiting to happen for weeks. Michael, your boyfriend, was performing on stage in a stadium with his band 5 seconds of summer. They were currently touring with one direction on their Where We Are tour and you were so proud of all of the boys, but especially Michael. He'd often told you how he couldn't believe this was happening to him; 'an outcast lad from Sydney'. He always referred to himself like that, and it sent daggers into your chest because he was never an outcast in your eyes. He was your everything and you were going to prove that to him in any way possible.

Tonight, you were going to the tour to surprise him because you hadn't seen each other in a month and a half and the distance was killing you both. Ashton, Luke and Calum were always facetiming you to keep you updated on how Michael was coping, which was never very well. You'd never been apart for this long since the beginning of your relationship a year ago. Michael was quite clingy and having to be without his 'cuddle buddy' was difficult for him. The worst call you'd got recently was from a frantic toned Ashton exclaiming his worry over Michael crying in the bathroom. It always panicked the boys when he got like this because they knew only you could make him happy again.

The long distance phone calls and facetimes just weren't cutting it anymore. You were going to one of the Wembley shows and they were going to make sure you were front row in the red standing section as that was on Michael's side of the stage. The boys had all helped you pay to come to the show as they knew you were tight on money at the minute. But Michael needed you, and you would've blown every last penny to see him and make him happy again.

As it approached your time to go into the stadium, your nerves tripled by the second and your hands shook slightly. A part of you believed you were more worried about the huge crowd than seeing Michael again after so long. You'd never been good with crowds of people, but you had to do this, there was no way you couldn't. The security guard, who was well acquainted with the boys came and collected you and stood you in front of the barrier. You had the perfect view and Michael had no way of not seeing you there. That's when the rest of the crowd began to file in and it was fairly squished but that was to be expected. Your anticipation to see him was starting to eat away at you and you muttered 'come on, hurry up' under your breathe repeatedly for an hour.

A couple of girls around you recognised who you were and asked for pictures. You happily obliged and took a couple of photos with them all; it calmed your anxiety to have people to talk to.

"Nobody mentioned about you coming here on twitter." One of the girls, Georgia, asked with scrunched eyebrows. It was usually difficult to avoid being called out on twitter, but this time, nobody had found out and that was amazing to you. You'd expected the surprise to be ruined in seconds.

"Well, I'm here to surprise Mikey. I miss him so I flew out to come here. Please, don't post those pictures anywhere until after they've been on, I really don't want him finding out." The girls all gushed about the cuteness of your relationship. They all promised not to share the pictures and proclaimed how they'd make sure you were the first person he saw when he came on stage.

After another twenty minutes, the large screens displayed the 5SOS logo and the lights on stage began to flash at a ridiculous rate. Your eyes were glued to the back of the stage, knowing that they'd be coming from there. Never had your heart been filled with so much pride and joy as you watched them one by one come onto the stage. Ashton was first; he noticed you almost instantly and waved. His smile could light up an entire world. The girls around you were going crazy. Calum was next to come on, on the opposite side of the stage to you, but he grinned and waved at the crowd on his side. Next Michael came on, and you felt your palms begin to sweat lightly. You weren't sure how he'd react when he saw you standing there. At first, he was completely oblivious to you being in front of him. It made you giggle knowing that you were so close and he just didn't know it. Luke was last to come on and he waved both arms in the air like a maniac. He recognised you and bounded over to Michael, who still had no idea. Seriously, the boy could be completely blind sometimes. Luke waved directly at you and it grabbed Michael's attention. Glancing down, he thought you were just a fan at first, and that's when he did a double take. His heart thudded in his chest at the sight of you there and tears brimmed in his eyes. The girls you'd been talking to earlier couldn't help but go bonkers over what was happening.

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