I Miss You [Michael]

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We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me

31st October... Halloween and you didn't have a costume for the party you were attending that same night. How could you even have left it this late? You couldn't believe how stupid you were. Driving to the local fancy dress shop, you practically dive out of your car and into the shop door. You'd come here for many years of your life to get costumes for events and the lady who ran the shop was always happy to see you.

"Y/N! Oh, hello darling, it's so lovely to see you again. Since its the 31st October I'm gunna guess you're looking for a Halloween costume?" Julia could read you like a book, especially with the frantic look plastered on your face. Nodding towards Julia, she started to chuckle at you; knowing how not being organised for things worked you up.

"Yeah, I mean I can't believe I left it this late. You have nothing left do you? Oh my god this is so bad." You rambled on and Julia just shook her index finger at you.

"Seriously, you can calm down now. Of course I have things left, I always put a few costumes out the back in case you come in. You know since it's kind of a monthly thing with all these fancy dress parties you attend." Wow, she sounded like she knew you better than you knew yourself. Did you really attend parties that often? Well, you'd be damned.

"You really saved some for me?" You were touched that she'd even have a thought about you during this busy season for the business.

"Of course I have! You've barged in here every Halloween with the same look of panic on your face for the last seven years. Trust me, I knew you'd be coming. That's why I saved you one of your favourites." A smirk stretched onto her lips. Chances were that you were going to adore the costume she was about to pull out for you, because she always put that smirk on when she was proud of herself for being 'on-point'. "Take a seat; I'll be right back out with your costume."

Shortly after she went into the storage cupboard, she returned with the most beautiful Sally costume you'd ever seen. Sally, as in the Sally from the nightmare before Christmas, one of the films you loved with your whole heart.

"I know you've loved this one every year since you started coming here. You've eyed it up for so long, go on try it on." She handed the costume over to you and ushered you into the single changing room. It was only a small shop so it could only fit one dressing room. You were lucky the shop was bare of any other life but yourself today. Just as you started to shimmy the dress onto yourself, Julia asked, "So what's happening with you and that... Jason, is that his name?" Oh lord, you should've seen this one coming. Jason was your top-class jackass of an ex-boyfriend. You know the kind that crushes your heart and soul because they can't keep their dicks to themselves? Yeah, you get the idea.

You snickered, "Mhm, about that, absolutely nothing is happening Jules. He's an asshole and that's all you need to know." You'd broken up with him a little over three months ago, and although it hurt at first, you were stronger than you'd ever been now. He could go ahead and walk into a motorway for all you cared. So, maybe you were still just a tad bitter.

"What about your friend, Michael?" Damn, was Julia playing match-maker today or what?

"He's just that, Jules, a friend." It was difficult for you to see Michael in any other light, honestly. You felt weird if you ever thought about him in a different light.

"Oh, ok. He's such a lovely boy, he was in here yesterday." Wait, what? Michael never went to costume parties; they weren't usually his 'scene'. Had your best friend taken a funny turn?

"Really? What costume did he get? I'm surprised; he doesn't even like dressing up."

"You'll just have to wait and see; I'm pretty sure he said he was going to the same party as you." You could hear the hint of excitement in Julia's voice. Literally, she was one of the craziest but loveliest women you knew. "Anyway, are you ready?" Just as she asked, you yanked open the dressing room door. Julia's face lit up at the sight of you. She made all these costumes by hand, and she always loved when you had them on because she thought you were so beautiful that you could pull anything off. She'd asked you to model them for the shop before, but you had to politely decline. You didn't believe you were anywhere close to shop window modelling standards. "Y/N, you look incredible." The dress itself was a little shorter than the one Sally wears on the movie, just above the knees and it fit perfectly.

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