Night Terrors [Calum]

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A family day trip out was always the best way to relax after a long week at school. Your parents and your little sister always insisted on going to the beach on the other side of town. Even though you'd moan a little about not wanting to go, you secretly loved these days out. At the time, you were seventeen and care-free and everything was going pretty well in your life. Your grades were decent, you had the best boyfriend ever, Calum Hood and your family were amazing. Overall, you just really couldn't complain about much.

Elisa, your six year old sister, idolised you and everything you did she wanted to do. For example, putting on make-up and dressing in band tee's and skinny jeans. She was the absolute light of your life and the cutest little girl ever. Your parents never really agreed with your band obsessing ways or you not dressing girly, but they loved you and accepted you no matter what. So, they usually kept their opinions to themselves about it all.

On the way to the beach, in the car, you'd insisted on putting your Greenday CD on full blast. Reluctantly, your parents agreed, but after so long they began to complain about it and talk crap about the band. It hurt your feelings because they were one of your favourites, so that made you naturally quite protective.

"How could you like this rubbish, (y/n)?" Your dad blurted out.

"How could you not?" You retorted feeling your blood boil slightly. You hated when he did this for no reason at all.

"Well for one, the main singer is just, not good at singing. The lyrics are awful. I don't know, it's just not good music." This comment pulled your last straw and you completely snapped.

"Fine, turn it fucking off then!" You'd momentarily forgotten about Elisa sitting next to you.

"Don't you dare swear at me girl!" A full on row broke out between your father and you. It escalated into a screaming match and your dad was completely furious.

"WATCH OUT!" Your mum yelled mid-argument. The next thing you knew, the car was on its side and your vision was blurred. In the next few minutes, you were passed out still fastened into your seat.

Hours had passed since the accident and when you finally came around bright lights clouded your vision. A throbbing pain in your side caused you to moan out. Trying carefully to sit up, you felt two firm hands grasp your shoulders and gently push you back down.

"Don't move, baby, it's ok. Everything's going to be ok." Calum whispered into your ear. Wait, why was Calum there?

That's when the memory of what happened came back to the forefront of your mind and you sprung up quickly in the bed you were laid on.

"Where are they? Elisa? Mum? Dad?" You were trying to call out to them, but your throat was so dry that your voice was barely above talking level. Calum sighed and started stroking your cheek. You turned to look at him, but he quickly averted his gaze from your face. "Cal, what's going on? Please, I need to know." You were frantic and Calum knew he couldn't keep this from you any longer.

"God, I never wanted to have to tell you this... They didn't make it, sweetheart." Just like that your whole world shattered around you.

"No! You're lying! You're lying! They can't be gone!" You were hysterical and thrashing your arms and kicking your legs. Calum stayed by your side the whole time, whispering in your ear and promising he'd never leave you. It wasn't long before nurses entered the room and injected a sedative into your blood stream to knock you out. They knew you'd react this way because most patients did when finding out traumatic news.

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