Negativity [Luke]

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You're lying on the sofa with Luke, your head's resting on his chest and he's playing with your hair. He's quietly singing your favourite songs to you, and he's looking at you the entire time. You're smiling and playing with his fingers before finally entwining them. He's currently singing Fall for you by Secondhand Serenade and you know every word is sung with complete sincerity. You'll never how you got so lucky to end up dating Luke Hemmings. He was perfection, and you didn't match up to that in any way.

You let your hands fall on top of Luke's stomach and sighed heavily.

"What's wrong babe?" Luke's concerned voice breaks through your thoughts. You sit up and look down at Luke lying next to you.

"I just don't get why you chose me. I mean look at me, I'm just an average girl, nothing special. But then there's you, perfect in every way and you could have the prettiest, smartest and most incredible girl in the whole world. So why me?" You sunk further into the seat feeling your negativity wash over you like a tidal wave. Luke maneuvered in the seat so he could sit up to properly face you.

"Look at me." He softly whispered and you did as he asked. Your eyes were filling with tears and you hated letting him see you weak like this. "I chose you because you're anything but average. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever gotten to know, inside and out. You're funny, silly and you make me the happiest man alive. I don't know how I ever lived without you. You're my rock, and I love you more than I've ever loved anyone." Luke, although relatively awkward at times, always had a way with words and knew what to say to cheer you up.

"I love you, Luke." Before he can even muster a response, your lips are on his showing him exactly how much you love him. Deepening the kiss, he takes the back of your head in his hand and pushes you closer to him. Briefly, you pull away for a quick breathe and begin to unbutton his plaid shirt. Before long, all of your clothes were strewn all over the living room. That night was one you'd definitely never forget.


Sorry, this one is like super short, but don't fret there is longer ones. This was just a quick one. :)

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