Jealousy [Luke]

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You'd been dating Luke Hemmings for little over four months now and you hadn't met any of his friends besides his band members, Ashton, Calum and Michael. So today, he was going to introduce you to one of his other best friends, Niall Horan. Honestly, you were terrified, Niall was a huge global star and well, you couldn't ever compare to that. You believed he wouldn't like you because you just don't fit under any level of stardom.

You'd been rushing round the house for ages getting ready and Luke was getting tired watching you.

"Babe, seriously, sweatpants and a hoody would do. It's only Niall, he's really not going to care what you're wearing so long as we actually then up." He couldn't help but be amused by how frantic you were.

You glared at him from across the room. "Sweatpants and a hoody? You have got be kidding me." Rolling your eyes, you turned back towards your wardrobe and furiously shoved clothes to the side in the search for better things to wear. You were wearing a dressing gown over the top of your underwear. You were comfortable with Luke, just not as comfortable as him seeing you parade around in your undies.

Luke came up behind you and snaked his arms around your waist. His head rested on top of your shoulder. "Why don't you let me choose something for you to wear? I mean it'll stop you from stressing over it as much."

Your body slumped as you agreed to let him rake through your wardrobe. Within five minutes a whole outfit was laid out on your bed beside you. A plain black vest top, black skinny jeans and his plaid shirt he'd given you a couple of months ago. It was huge on you and he knew you liked to wear it more as a cardigan than anything else. Although your expectations for him choosing a decent outfit were low, you actually were pretty impressed with how well he'd chosen.

"Not bad, Luke, not bad at all." Getting up from your bed, you grabbed the clothes and rushed into the bathroom to get ready. You were thanking god you'd already done your hair and make-up before Luke got to your house, or you would've most likely been late for getting to Niall's house.

After ten minutes of getting ready, Luke had finally had enough of waiting for you. Knocking on the door he spoke through it, "Babe, are you ready yet?" You could hear the impatience in his voice and stepped outside the bathroom. Secretly, you'd been having a mini panic attack in the bathroom and Luke knew something was wrong instantly. "Are you ok?" You couldn't even look at him because the nerves were making your stomach churn. He tipped your chin up with his hand, "Come on, I know when something's wrong. What is it?"

"I just... I'm so scared to meet him. He's like a global superstar and I'm nothing special. I want him to like me because you guys are so close and it would just be awkward if he didn't." You sighed and your shoulders dropped.

A little giggle escaped Luke's lips, "Honestly, you'd think it was him you were dating not me. He's going to love you ok... Not like the way I love you, I hope. But you'll get on really well with each other. So please stop worrying. We should probably get going anyway." He kissed the top of your forehead and your muscles relaxed from their tensed position.

Leaving your house, you got into Luke's car and he drove you to Niall's apartment building. It was super fancy, just as you'd expected. Butterflies rose into your stomach and you felt quite sick when Luke stopped the car. You knew you wouldn't be able to hide your nerves from anyone.

You'd always struggled with anxiety issues, but today it was just affecting you a little worse than others. Luke was watching you taking deep breaths and was considering whether this was really a good idea or not. He knew Niall would love you, you were hard not to love, but it was just making you believe that was the hard part.

Luke got out of the car first a casually walked around to your side and opened your door for you. Stepping out of the car, Luke took a hold of your hand and squeezed it lightly. He could feel you shaking lightly and he was starting to get worried about you. He'd seen your anxiety get out of control before and he was going to make sure that didn't happen today.

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