His Little Rock Princess [Luke]

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~Before you begin reading, I thought I'd fill you in what age they got together and etc. They (you and Luke, or whoever you want to imagine him with) got together when they were 13/14. Then she fell pregnant at 17 and they're now in their early 20's. So like, 22/23. You probably could've worked it out yourselves, but I just thought I'd save any confusion oops.~


Your daughter's bedroom door was flung open as she hurried her way out of it to yours and Luke's room. It was only 7am, but she was incredibly excitable.

Within minutes, she was pounding through your door and jumped onto your bed causing a deep grunt to emit from Luke. You'd been awake for fifteen minutes already, but had kept quiet and just watched Luke sleeping. He always looked so angelic and at peace when he was asleep, you loved it.

"DADDY! MUMMY! WAKE UP!" Eva yelled whilst bouncing up and down on top of Luke, without really knowing she was crushing his hip.

"We're awake, sweetie." You mumble and giggle a little. When you'd fallen pregnant it had been a huge shock because you hadn't planned for it to happen. You'd been with Luke for a few years, but you were both only seventeen at the time and it terrified the hell out of you both. Looking back now, you couldn't believe you'd ever not wanted to have a baby because Eva was the joy of your life. She brought happiness in times when even Luke couldn't, she was your life.

Luke suddenly jolts up right and begins a tickling war with Eva. She's squealing and telling Luke to stop. When he eventually decided to stop torturing her, he pulls her into his lap and kisses her cheek.

"Happy Birthday, princess." He'd had her present and everything arranged for a while now and was dying to give her it.

"Thank you, daddy!" She started to clap her hands and the biggest grin crept onto her face. She was five years old and you couldn't believe how much she'd grown. But no matter how old she got, she'd always be your baby.

"Happy birthday my little munchkin." You always called her that, and Luke never failed to mock you for it. You reached up and gave Eva a peck on the lips.

"So, does anyone want a present?" Luke piped up, now mostly awake but his morning voice was still intact. It took at least two hours for it to fade, but he sounded deep and husky and honestly, you found it really hot.

"Me, I do I do!" Eva began clapping again and Luke got up out of bed. He lifted her up and carried her on his side. Seeing her bright smile every day was the light of his life, she was everything to him and nothing would change that.

Luke pulled open the wardrobe door and pulled out an oddly shaped wrapped up box. It was medium sized, but nothing too big. He carried both the present and Eva back to your bed and sat both down together. It was only seconds before she was furiously ripping the wrapping paper off. Luke hadn't even told you what he'd bought her from you both, so it was just as much a surprise to you as it was to her. You always agreed between you on what to get her but this year Luke was adamant that he was going to choose, even if you did argue about it for a few days.

Eva's eyes lit and her mouth fell open.

"Show mummy what you have sweetheart." You requested and she tipped the box up to show you, with Luke cautiously watching her every move to make sure she didn't drop it. You couldn't believe it, a child-sized guitar. Eva had been begging for a guitar like her daddy's for months on end and it had been driving you insane.

"Did I pick well?" Luke whispered in your ear.

"Amazingly well." You smirked at him and kissed his lips.

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