Chapter two

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Lucas is a young wolf who is going through bad times in his life, the discoveries of puberty, love life, unrequited love. But every thing they do to him ceases to be a learning experience.

Lucas has suffered from depression for years and it has a very negative effect on his personal, social and family life.

Lucas was strong, even with depression in a critical state. He insisted on fighting, persisting in holding out hope for his friends. He wanted to live.

Lucas woke up early in the morning, even earlier than his alarm clock. He got up a little lazily, but he didn't get carried away by it, he wanted to be awake and out of the house as soon as possible.

He took a quick shower and put on his favorite underwear, a red one with the crotch part painted black, some sweatpants
for the cold and a shirt of some design that he finds interesting. Afterwards, he brushed his teeth and fangs and finally, he gave that real "grooming" to the fur, as it was very messy and full of knots.

Good morning, Lucas! - said his mother hugging him tightly, making him feel kind of snug in the middle of the hug, his feeling was comforting.

Good morning, mother - he replies low, just feeling the warmth of the hug.

" Did you sleep well?" The wolf answered yes and kissed his mother's cheek.

Have breakfast, the first meal is always the most important. If you want, you can eat the whole donut! - the donut is almost like bread, but it usually comes with a very tasty topping, Lucas's favorite is chocolate.

Thanks mom, good morning to you and say good morning to daddy for me - the wolf smiled slightly and started to drink his coffee, a plentiful table full of fruits, a sandwich, bread and some sweet things.

The wolf began to eat the donut with a little coffee with milk and also with a little butter to make it even more delicious.

The wolf sat down at the table and began to eat her breakfast, but in silence, while Lucas asked everyday things like "is everything okay?" and the wolf always answered yes and assured him that all was well. Today the day was really different.

" Usually... when I wake up... you're fighting... but today was different.

" I tried to talk to your dad to... improve your day, as maybe... you're not comfortable with it.

" Yes... I'm not.

The kitchen was silent and the wolf finished her coffee and went to the sink to wash the dishes. The wolf ate a little more and after finishing his coffee, he went to brush his teeth again.

" Bye, Lucas ," said the wolf's mother.

Bye, son! See if you bring a girl home this time! - said the wolf laughing still relaxed on the sofa, that deeply bothered Lucas.

The wolf came out of the house with his ears down, put on his hood and put on some music to listen to as he walked. The school was a little far away, but the wolf preferred to walk all the time.

On the way he met Ryan, the raccoon was happy, and Lucas was happy for the simple fact that his friend was there, warming his heart with a feeling that perhaps would never be revealed

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On the way he met Ryan, the raccoon was happy, and Lucas was happy for the simple fact that his friend was there, warming his heart with a feeling that perhaps would never be revealed.
The two realized that the school was close and so they ran to arrive early and be able to sit in their privileged places, having a good view of the blackboard.

The raccoon sat more relaxed at the table, as he was more athletic than Lucas, the raccoon behaved differently from the wolf, who was more upright and kept his materials more organized, in addition to more common clothes, while Ryan dressed in more relaxed way.

Soon the problematic student, Matheus, arrived in that room, the hyena was not an easy student to put up with. But he always had time to ruin Lucas' day, even though Lucas was diagnosed with depression.

Hey, Luquinhas - smiled Matheus, he sat down next to Lucas and stared at the wolf. Matheus had intense feelings for Lucas, a mixture of love and hate and he, at the same time, hurt Lucas and wanted to be close to him.

Leave him alone, Matheus - growled the raccoon, already irritated, he had already felt that Lucas had had a change in his behavior.

" Why?" We're just kidding... isn't it, depressing? said Matheus, teasing Lucas.

" We're not kidding ," Lucas said in an audible tone. " I just came here to study, leave me alone.

" Calm down, brat!" - laughed the hyena and the raccoon tried to intervene, but two other hyenas held him back. The teacher hadn't arrived yet and that was the biggest problem.

Let's see what he brought today - said Matheus, looking at what he had in his backpack.

Lucas soon remembered that his diary was there.

" Get your paws out of my backpack!" - shouted the wolf and tried to take the backpack from the hyena's hands, but the hyena was faster and pulled the backpack back. He gave Lucas a hug around the neck and rubbed his paws on his head, leaving his fur all messed up, trying to get away, Lucas dropped the diary.

" Is that your... diary?" - he took the notebook that had a padlock - José... break that - he gave it to the cat who unlocked the padlock easily - That's great ... - said Matheus with a smile of satisfaction.

Lucas was grabbed from behind like the raccoon. The other students in the room didn't even move, no one wanted to confront the hyena and its powerful jaw. Guilherme wasn't in the room and Raul and Bianca were silent, watching everything.

" Look... what we have here. Matthew began to read in a low voice from the diary, stuff about the anger he has with his parents and even the hyena himself, until he came to a pile of 15 pages with colored tips - RYAN ? - shouted the hyena - DO YOU LOVE YOUR FRIEND?

The students were astonished, it wasn't common at that school for someone to demonstrate that they were gay. Matheus was furious that Lucas felt that way about Ryan.

You see Ryan... one day you save your friend from your team leader... another day he wants to kiss you! snarled the hyena.

And what about it? asked the furious raccoon, trying to break free and help his friend the wolf who, in the heat of the moment, was crying and struggling, an anxiety attack that could lead to heavier things.

LUCAS! TEACHER! TEACHER! screeched the raccoon, but its mouth was shut and it was punched in the belly, the hyena went back to reading.

" Do you find his muscles attractive? " Do you think he has a slim physique? - he approached the wolf who was crying, but standing by the hyenas that grabbed him, Matheus mocked - It's so beautiful to see Luquinha crying, so cute - the other students laughed, Ryan received another punch in the belly, so hard that it wrapped his stomach - Lucas started
shouting at Matheus.

Matheus said:
-You want to help your boyfriend, do you? - when the hyena punched Ryan one more time, Professor Liam appeared to break up the fight.

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