Birthday party

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August 11, 2015

joseph narrating

It would be another ordinary day like everyone else, I would wake up, have breakfast and then get ready to go to school. Just with one more detail, August 11th is my birthday and I would be completing my 14th birthday.

I didn't have many friends. To be honest, no friends, the most I had were my cousins. I couldn't fit in very well at the new school, I only made enemies with two hyenas and a raccoon called Ryan, Guilherme doesn't count as a real friend, since he only approached me when he needed help.

I got up that day a little excited, after all, it was my birthday and I went to the kitchen to have breakfast, when I appeared in the kitchen my parents were having breakfast and when they saw me they were happy and they got up from the chair to hug me and give me congratulations, I also happily start hugging them.

My mother hugged me like I was still a puppy and even put me up against the wall to measure my height.

Mom this is ridiculous, I'm already 14, throw it away — I said, but she just smiles and measures my height while my dad looks at me proud that I've grown a few inches. Deep down, deep down, he would like me to be a wolf like him.

I thought it was ridiculous and childish, I was already 14 and she used a giraffe to measure my height, how pathetic, imagine if someone from school saw that. My dad was so proud his tail wagged, on rare occasions he was nice to me. After my mother measured me against the wall, we returned to the table and they continued to eat their breakfast while I poured some coffee into my cup and grabbed some biscuits from the bag to eat.

While my mom and I ate slowly, my dad stuffed almost everything at once into his big wolf mouth. My mother had seven cookies on her plate and half of one in her hand as she drank her coffee.

And my dad ate all his cookies, got up from his chair, without smiling first, and put his mouth on my mom's plate, taking half the cookies in one bite. My mum hated that prank and as he walked she pulled his tail hard and he just kept smiling. Then he came towards me and does the same thing and then walks away.

It was a joke between the three of us, if we didn't eat everything at once and didn't keep up with his pace, he'd finish his and then come eat ours. I managed to save a few crackers and ate the rest then washed my face and got dressed for school.

I found the lessons rather tedious, but I was able to follow and understand them. I might not have been an exemplary student, but I was passable in all subjects and never had to make up.

I arrive in my classroom and sit down next to Guilherme, on the other side of the room was Ryan. Who looked at me smiling while saying something in Lucas's ear, who got serious with the comment, while Mariana listened and laughed a little.

On the other hand, I wouldn't invite anyone from school if I were going to have a birthday party. After a few minutes the first class started and it was in Portuguese. Before the teacher started the class she talked about a gymkhana she would have at school, it would be a word spelling gymkhana and we would gain additional points that would help us pass the year.

The teacher said that those interested should go to the secretariat and register and should form groups of five people.
They're just doing this so everyone can pass the year and nobody fails so as not to tarnish the school's reputation. - I thought.

After a few minutes the teacher started the class, it was about subject and object predicative, these boring subjects in Portuguese.

I concentrated on the class even though it was boring and I was able to understand something. Suddenly I started to hear some laughter and when I looked to the side, it was Ryan laughing while he was glued to the back of Manoel, a white wolf from our classroom and on the paper was written something that I couldn't read.

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