Capítulo 21 : Bianca and Raul

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narrator narrating

Bianca met Ryan and Lucas when she was 8 years old. In second grade, Bianca had been moved from morning to afternoon.

She, as she was an extrovert, soon made friends with everyone. It wasn't long before Lucas started to have a crush on her, but Ryan also had a crush on her.

Bianca was a very beautiful cat, she only saw them as friends, but they fought for her attention. A competition began between the two to see who would be her boyfriend. Once, Lucas brought her a bouquet of flowers and Ryan brought her chocolate candies. In another, Lucas brought her a doll, and Ryan an earring. And in yet another, Lucas a diary, and Ryan a balloon.

Lucas and Ryan were already getting jealous of her, and she gladly accepted all the gifts.

Sullenly, Ryan took the diary from Lucas and threw it into the mud, and Lucas punctured Ryan's balloon with a toothpick.

Bianca was watching the stopped scene, then the two started to fight and she was trying to break up the fight. As they started

to fight, everyone stood around watching the fight and booing. Ryan landed a punch on Lucas's snout that made him bite his tongue.

Lucas started to growl, irritated, baring his teeth and lunged at Ryan. Lucas threw the raccoon to the ground and tried to return the punch, but Ryan was stronger and Lucas took another punch in the mouth.

The raccoon started hitting the wolf, until Lucas bit the wolf's arm, causing him to start crying.

Bianca pulled Lucas by the shirt, pulling him off the raccoon. The teacher appeared to finish breaking up the fight. Ryan looks at his injured arm and starts to cry, seeing his friend in pain, Lucas starts to cry too.

The teacher took Ryan out of the courtyard and into the school.

“ Why did you do that, Lucas? she asked him and Lucas said nothing but cry.

They were walking, and drops of blood ran down Ryan's arm.

“ It was a deep bite ,” says the teacher.

The three made it to the principal's office and put ice on the wound, then bandaged it.

Lucas and Bianca accompanied Ryan to the principal's office and he wouldn't stop crying, feeling a lot of pain.

The director calls Lucas and Ryan's parents, soon after Ryan was medicated and the pain began to pass.

Narra Nicole

I was seeing some patients when my cell phone started ringing, when I answered it, it was Lucas' school principal. I, worried, ask if something happened to Lucas and the principal tells me that I should go to the school because Lucas had bitten Ryan.

But what happened? — I ask her and she tells me that the two started fighting over a girl — I'll be there in a few minutes — I tell her.

Worried, I tell the nurse who was helping me that I would have to leave.

But what happened? she asks me.

“My son Lucas bit his friend,” I tell her.

I leave the room and walk quickly and worriedly towards the exit of the hospital.

Lucas, you pay me - I thought.

Why did he do it? I said to myself as my blood was hot. I wasn't thinking straight, I was full of work and it still happens to me.

He's going to get some strapping - I thought.

I left the hospital, got in the car and started driving towards the school.

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