Chapter 40 : Frist impressions parte two

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Raul Narrating

It was another normal and boring day or at least that's what it seemed to be, everyone had already got up, except me, I was very tired after staying up late at night playing and I didn't want to get up, I just wanted to stay asleep.

My mother appeared knocking on the bedroom door telling me to get up and take care otherwise I would be late for school

and I sleepily tell her just a few more minutes. Seconds later I hear my father knock on the door and order me to get out of bed immediately.

Drowsy and in a bad mood I got up and was practically walking in my sleep. When I head towards the door turning the latch and opening it I have a surprise.

Mariana, the wolf or dog I don't know, was there waiting for me so we could go to school together.

When she saw that I was leaving the room, she ran towards me hugging me, licking my face and wagging her tail.

My father looks at it and smiles maliciously, even my mother — Mariana stops. I say trying to break free of her.

And she just hugged me and squeezed more and more and her tail kept swinging. Until I managed to free myself from it and

sat down on the chair — Now I'm all drooling, I hate it when you do that. — I tell her that she sat down in the chair and says sorry and starts helping herself without being invited.

My father thinks she's cute, there's a rumor going around that she's a half-breed — Only if it's a dog and a wolf, that's all. - I thought.

I grab a cup, pour some coffee and grab some chocolate chip cookies with my paw and start sipping my coffee and watching her eat the cookies.

"Hurry, I hope you choke." - says John to Mariana sarcastically and my mother scolds him and my father too.

John didn't like her very much, he hated her way of being, her dog-like way. Mariana is embarrassed and John stared at her with his arms crossed and claws out until he got a slam from my dad and he put his claws back.

John gets up from the table and heads towards his school, but before that he slaps me on the head and calls me softly, then he goes to Mariana and rubs his paw on her muzzle and tucks both her ears and lastly he walks

past our dad running a finger over his mustache and leaves with a smile, while our dad is serious.

I finish eating breakfast, then I just wash my face, quickly change my clothes, grab my backpack, ask my parents for their blessing and head to school.

But before that my dad still calls me shorty.

I hate it, the nicknames started at home and John spread them around at school. I walk to the bus stop with Mariana and as we walk I feel a strange sensation.

All of a sudden I couldn't stop looking at her face, I was thinking she was so beautiful. I never noticed it, their ears, their eyes, their brownish brown fur.

I was getting hard and my heart was racing, my hair was getting on end and I had a feeling she was thinking the same thing with her pupils dilating. I couldn't control myself or her and so I involuntarily bit her on her

neck as she bit my face.

When we least realize it, she was licking my face and I was licking her neck and we were hugging. I was enjoying the feel of her soft fur and we didn't realize there were five animals across the street looking at us with disapproving eyes.

We walk away quickly and we are left with yellow smiles and embarrassment.

The bus arrived at the same time and we quickly got on it. We sat next to each other, but we couldn't exchange glances and so we arrived at school and sat far from each other. The first class would be math and I was very tired and didn't understand anything the teacher was explaining, I was so tired that I ended up falling asleep.

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