Chapter 12 Changes

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Again 2015

narrator narrating

Lately, Lucas has noticed that his voice is a little thick and he feels more and more hypnotized by the full moon. Our little wolf can't explain the urge he feels to howl at the moon and he's also getting more and more playful. Good behavior is common among beta wolves, but Lucas was a little childish at the age of 13, which his father was not.

He was more reserved and needed attention, felt the need to have someone by his side, was meek and more responsible and never thought of challenging his father Roberto; Roberto, on the other hand, did not get along very well with his father, he was irresponsible, relaxed and because of that, the two fought a lot.

Lucas was getting thin and a little tall while Roberto, at this age, was getting tall and robust. Roberto drew attention and Lucas went unnoticed. Ryan, lately, has noticed that he is very agitated. He has been gaining body and is also relaxed and messy, which is quite common among raccoons at this age.

Ryan is too lazy to even brush his teeth. His only interest is just physical appearance, the rest is total relaxation. His grades are dropping and he can't stop thinking about sex.

Bianca, on the other hand, couldn't get Matheus out of her mind, but Matheus, who was a bit tall and strong, didn't give a shit about her, and that's when Raul started to hit on her.

She even tried not to pay too much attention to him, but she gave in little by little. Bianca began to notice that Matheus
kept looking at Lucas a lot, but didn't say anything. She finds herself getting more and more agitated, sometimes she wants to scratch and she couldn't see two couples kissing and she was already excited.

Raul, on the other hand, flustered as usual, kept trying to hit on several girls, but they didn't give a shit about him and he sounded pathetic. I wanted to be a catcher, but I didn't catch anyone. They didn't see anything interesting about him, he was a skinny lynx who had a raspy voice and looked like a fallen dog of change. Raul tried to get attention in every way but was massacred by mean comments about his appearance, mainly from his head.

As they grow up, problems arise such as not accepting the body, acceptance issues and even bullying.

Two hyenas followed Lucas, Ryan and Matheus, one was called Paulo and the other Luís. The two hyenas studied in the next room, Lucas and his group were in 6th grade A, and the hyenas in 7th grade. They started picking on all the students, their favorite targets being unattended students. Robert, a small yellow cat, became their target and every time he passed, the hyenas put his leg and he fell. Nobody said anything because everyone was afraid of the two hyenas, and if they said anything, they would become their number 1 target.

During the tests, the kitten was forced to pass the glue to them, they locked him in the bathroom and, sometimes, they put a paper with “Kick me” written on its back and kicked Robert. On one occasion, they put a pair of underwear in his bag and on another, they locked him in the library and had him smelling dirty socks.

Robert the cat didn't want to involve his parents, he wanted to solve his problems on his own. Until one day, he was approached by the two hyenas while pedaling towards his home.

" Let me pass!" Robert said.

“ No. said Louis.

" Let's go for a walk, kitty." said Paul.

" Where are you taking me?" asked the cat to the two hyenas who were guiding his bicycle into an alley.

“ What do you want from me? asked the cat.

" Do you like men?" Paul asked.

" No!" said the cat, a little nervously.

If you don't like it, then why are you looking at Leandro, that filthy fucking fox all the time?

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