Chapter 23 : Run Ryan , Run Ryan !

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Lucas narrating

It was January 1st, 2016 and Ryan and I were driving home. He told me that he was scared of being gay and that it was a mistake for us to do that, but seriously, he seemed to enjoy it. He, on top of that, is always jealous of me with Matheus and spent almost three months apart with Micaele, just making her jealous.

He only approached me on the way home, then he seemed like a different person, but when he was with her he was like a stranger. I kept listening to what he was telling me and kept walking, it was a pleasantly chilly day and the sky was a little cloudy. There was no one on the street, people had already left. I checked my watch and saw that it was two-fifteen in the morning. Ryan asked

me again to forget about it and that it would be our secret, I agreed with him.

As we walked some clouds dissipated, revealing a beautiful full moon. The street was kind of dark and I decided to play a trick on Ryan, as he walked I looked at him and growled, showing my teeth. Ryan, who was fearful, was already getting scared.

" Oh, stop it, Lucas, " Ryan said , lightly punching Lucas on the shoulder who was snarling at Ryan's name.

Are you afraid? Lucas said , starting to laugh.

" Oh shut up ," Ryan said, turning away, a little angry.

Lucas thought: So beautiful to see him like this, really beautiful is the turmoil he makes when he has no way out.

We continued walking towards my house and I found my father halfway there, he was worried and had come after both of us.

" What took you so long? " he asked.

" We were talking ," Ryan said.

When I got home, half the people had gone and it was just my parents and Ryan's. Once we arrive, I say goodbye to Ryan

and he and his parents return home. I took a shower and changed clothes, then went to sleep and while sleep didn't arrive, my thoughts traveled between Ryan and Matheus. I kept thinking about what I had done with Ryan, after that, he was slowly moving away from me and if he felt something for me, he didn't show it in public, but he was very jealous. Matheus is alone and I approached him, he is a little jealous.

“ What a mess. — Ryan likes girls and Micaele, but I don't date anyone and Matheus has his suitors.

But at the same time, I like being with them both. I think it was instinct what we did, but doesn't that make us gay? And Ryan liked that, we were only 13, but we liked it. He liked being licked all over, he liked us spooning him to me. Ryan has the

body so soft and warm and the raccoon stripes on it, the masked thief stripes on his face. Ryan is cute and sneaky, he

pretended nothing had happened, ran out the window and still waved back with a naughty little face. I imagine this with a smile on my face and keep having these thoughts until I fall into

I am.

Narra Ryan

I almost couldn't sleep, I can't get Lucas out of my head. I realize that Micaele hates it when he's around and I'm torn between the two. Do I like him as a friend or as what? I date her and I like her, but sometimes she

take it seriously, she is very annoying and possessive. I don't want to admit it to anyone, but I liked what he did to me. I've never met a guy so handsome in my life, his fur was so soft and warm, he even licked my face all dirty and I liked the feeling of him licking me all over, afterwards we even spooned to sleep. I keep thinking about it until I feel my eyelids grow heavy, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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