Lucke's the Wolf

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Lucas Narrating

I was getting ready for the first day of school of 2015 when Ryan shows up in my room and gives me a big scare.

BOO! Surprise! Ryan yelled.

I took a huge leap back.

“ We were moved to the same room ,” Ryan says.

I'm both glad and scared as Ryan hugs me tightly, I get goosebumps from those hugs. I've felt kind of weird since I turned thirteen, my parents say it's normal to feel that way, it's puberty.

At the same time, when I feel strange, I start to like the feeling. I return the hug and I have the impression that Ryan is looking at me with a strange look, I feel my heart beat a thousand times, it seemed that we were getting excited. He realized this and blushed, thus breaking the embrace. We spend almost thirty seconds looking at each other suspiciously

until he breaks the silence and a little awkwardly says:

" Come on, Lucas.

We went downstairs for breakfast.

Roberto narrating

Lucas and Ryan walked down the stairs, they looked suspicious. Something's happened, they're hiding something , I thought.

Nicole also noticed that something was wrong.

They couldn't look each other in the face, they looked kind of embarrassed.

" Are you hiding something?" I asked them and they said no. " Did something happen? " Nicole asked.

" No!" — they said at the same time and I got a flea behind my ear, Lucas was red and his ears were a little low.

Breakfast was served. Ryan wouldn't look Lucas in the eyes and chewed his toast in a bit of a hurry, while Lucas

only poured a little coffee and barely held the cup straight. They finished eating breakfast and went to school suspiciously.

" Did something happen?" Because they were weird, really weird, ” Nicole asked me.

“ No idea ,” I replied.

Narra Ryan
We went down the stairs and had breakfast, looking away from each other. I couldn't look him in the face and he couldn't look mine, I don't know what came over me, I wanted so much to hug him and squeeze him, he looked so handsome. Lucas's mother, realizing what was happening, asked:

“ What's wrong with you two?

Nothing! – we answered at the same time.

Ricardo, Lucas's father, got a little suspicious and asked:

" Are you hiding something?"

" No, " Lucas said.

We finished breakfast and went to school, when we got there we found Bianca, who was a cat, and Raul, a lynx.

Bianca said that Raul had also been transferred to our classroom and she was very excited that day, she also said that a boy named Matheus had been transferred to our classroom.

Matheus had come from another school.

This Matheus is so handsome — said Bianca, excited.

Bianca waved at Matheus and he shyly waved back.

Lucas sat in front of Matheus, Bianca sat on the right next to Raul and I sat next to Lucas.

Bianca was very excited and interested in Matheus while he was in his and seemed to be a little embarrassed.

narrator narrating

The teacher arrived and asked the beginners to introduce themselves, first was Raul, the second to introduce himself was Micaele, a beautiful red fox, and the third was Matheus, who was shy and looked like a hyena.

Matheus was a little nervous and didn't feel very comfortable in crowds. He introduced himself, saying that he had transferred from another school, while introducing himself he had a few fits of laughter and lost his way a bit.

When the presentation was over, the teacher asked him to go sit at his desk. Matheus walked towards the desk relieved, that was quite a sacrifice for him. It was as if he was intimidated by having so many people watching him.

As he walked, Guilherme, who was a wolf and was sitting close to Matheus, pulled his pants, making him lose his balance and, consequently, fall on top of Lucas. Embarrassed and stuttering a lot, he starts laughing and the room breaks out in laughter.

when watching the scene.

“ Is everything okay? Lucas asks.

Yes, it is — says Matheus, unable to see it on his face.

Lucas helped him pick up things on the floor and says:

Nice to meet you, I'm Lucas.

Nice to meet you, I'm Matheus — said the boy who looked like a hyena half wolf.

Matheus went back to his desk.

And the teacher, after revising, assigned a project on the first day of class about the history of Brazil. The theme was about the colonization of Brazil.

She asked everyone to form groups of five people they were close to. Lucas formed a group with Ryan, Raul, Bianca and Matheus.

Hi, Matheus — said Bianca — You have such an attractive body.

Matheus was all flushed, his ears were down and he was trying to hide his shame. Even Lucas was a little embarrassed.

That was an embarrassment for Matheus, he rarely received praise and even more that kind of praise.

The history of Brazil will be easy! — Lucas said — Ryan and Raul, you can research the discovery part, Bianca can make the posters, and Matheus and I will take over the Pau-Brasil and colonization part — everyone agreed.

Bianca narrates

I was very happy because we would all be together again. I get together with Raul at school, he's very clingy, he's always hitting on me. The kid didn't let go, it seemed that the penny wouldn't drop, he kept hitting on me until we got to school.

When we arrive, I see on the poster which would be our room, I go to it and find a boy who was a beautiful hyena. I decide to go to him and ask what his name was, he told me his name was Matheus.

He's really good looking, he just looked a little sad and just sat there. When I see Lucas and Ryan walk into the room, they look suspicious of each other like something has happened. I was excited because I would be with my friends.

It didn't take long until a fox girl named Micaele arrived, I didn't like this girl, she looked fake and she was, no good.

The teacher came into the room and asked everyone to introduce themselves. Raul, Matheus and Micaele would have to introduce themselves, as they are newcomers. I hated this Micaele the first time I saw her. When Matheus had just introduced himself and was returning to his desk, Guilherme pulled his pants down. Man, he was really handsome just

in his underwear, his ass is well defined and beautiful with the ass that was on top. What a sexiest boy, he turned me on, he was

Matheus laughed and everyone started laughing too. The teacher and Raul didn't like what they saw. I wish I had a hyena like that hitting on me, not the old Raul.

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