Chapter : 29

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Leonardo narrating

Clara was pregnant with two babies and the day had come when she would have to give birth to them.

I was very happy because I would have two little wolves.

On this day, I couldn't stay with her at the hospital. I had to work all day, but I followed everything that was happening on my cell phone through the friends who accompanied her. When my shift is over, I head to the hospital happily and when I enter the room where Clara was, I see that she was breastfeeding two children.

I happily walk over to her and she looks kind of worried about one of our kids. One was a little wolf that looked like me, the other was a little strange, it had several spots all over its body. We looked kind of stunned, but it was okay. People didn't want to recognize that he was different.

Then a doctor said she wanted to talk to me privately. I decide to accompany her to the next room and she gives me the sad news that one of my children was born prematurely and that he would not live long.

At the moment, I felt like the ground was caving in at my feet. I held back the tears and went back to where my wife was, she was very happy and asked if something had happened. I said it was fine.

I slept with her that night in the maternity ward.

The next day she was discharged and we went home. The days passed and she commented from the beginning that one of our children was a little strange. We named him Matheus and the other Barone, the two were registered as wolves, even though there was evidence that one of our children was a little strange. We liked the little wolf that looked like us better, he always seemed more fragile compared to his brother, more independent. I hoped that Barone was an alpha, but Matheus was. I was very disappointed when my family rejected him, they even said that Matheus was not my son and that I had been betrayed.

Our life became hell. I couldn't accept that boy as my son, but I couldn't abandon him either. We made another attempt to see if we would have another child, hoping it was a wolf because my parents and her parents were, but it didn't work out.

The Barone died and she was gone.

She discovered some secrets and I stayed with Matheus. I never felt for him what parents feel for their children, but I never, ever let him lack anything. Matheus looked more and more like a hyena, but he didn't accept it. To me, he was a wolf, period. I suspect the rumors about my father are true and I had a fear because of Clara's family, but she never said anything to me until I found out for myself.

Matheus was growing up and I wanted to put him in the world of wolves, but he was rejected by them every time. One time I picked him up from school and he was sitting alone with his head down while the other students were playing.

He would come home crying because he wasn't accepted and that the boys at school called him names. My mother also made my life hell, she blamed me for not knowing how to choose anyone. She said I should choose a wolf, not a cat, the offspring of a wolf and a strange wolf. She didn't like my son, but somehow Matheus always seemed to be strong, if he was a wolf he would go far.

I didn't want Matheus to make friends with hyenas, because we are historical enemies and could turn him against me.

I was worried once because he kissed a girl who was a hyena and my brother Theo had seen it and told me about it. We were all disappointed with him, Matheus was grounded and the two never saw each other again.

Now, after everything I've done for him, he defies me, doesn't respect me, doesn't talk to my family, and ignores us. I miss the old days, he seems to have no way anymore. After so many attempts, I found another person, who is a wolf that looks like me. Thank god we had a son and he looks like me but he's kind of goofy and doesn't seem to be very smart.

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