Chapter 17: Sleepover

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Lucas' mother thinking

Lucas has been strange lately, he doesn't let go of that boy named Matheus. Everything he does, that boy is with him. Lucas looks at that boy and Ryan very strangely, it seems that Ryan is jealous of him. When he and Ryan are alone, they are laughing and joking a lot, they are like sweethearts.

Roberto, are you awake?

“ What is it?” he asked.

" Something is keeping me up at night."

“ What is it?” he asked sleepily.

Our son has been strange lately, he doesn't let go of that boy named Matheus and also Ryan. They are always laughing and joking with each other. Don't you think this is wrong? Is he what I'm thinking?

" Didn't he bring a girl home once?" he asks.

“ I think so.

" Ryan doesn't date?" he asks.

“ Yes ,” I tell him.

They're just friends, it's normal at this stage to take everything as a kid — says Roberto.

I start to hear laughter downstairs.

Go to bed — says Ricardo — It's late.

Maybe it's in my head, it must be like me at my age, more withdrawn.

Ricardo was already in a deep sleep and I went back to sleep.

narrator narrating

Lucas lies down in the middle of Ryan and Matheus. The two look at him and he starts to smile.

“ I propose a challenge to you two ,” Lucas says.

“ What?” - they both ask at the same time, looking at each other.

“ May you two hold each other, ” says Lucas.

No! Ryan says sullenly.

" No way! " says Matthew .

Please — says Lucas — You're my friends, I want to see my best friends together!

Matheus looked at Ryan and Ryan at Matheus.

Ryan gets a little closer and Matheus too, and they hug looking at Lucas.

“ Not like that, ” Lucas says, smiling . “ Look into each other's eyes.

Ryan looks, but tries to look away and Matheus too. Then, Lucas hugs them both — Aêê, that's what I like to see, my friends together.

“ Satisfied?” asks the sullen raccoon.

“ No, I propose that you make another challenge. I want you to dance in front of us ,” says Lucas, laughing.

" No!" says Ryan .

“ Go Ryan, I believe you ,” says Lucas “ Oh, okay, ” Ryan says.

The raccoon goes to the front of the mattress and makes some movements while the two laugh. Matheus covered his mouth while laughing and so did Lucas. Ryan was sulking.

“ Now, ” said Lucas , “ I doubt you'll show the Hihihi underwear.

The two were laughing.

“ What?” Ryan asks, red with embarrassment.

I doubt it — says Lucas, and Matheus laughed.

Suspicious, Ryan, as he doesn't like to be challenged, accepted the challenge.

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