Chapter 19 : Ryan the raccoon

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narrator narrating

Ryan and Lucas were lifelong friends. The two met when they were five years old in a small town square. Lucas was licking an ice cream cone, so Ryan wanted one too, but Mom wouldn't buy it. Disgusted, Ryan knocks Lucas' cone to the

ground, making him cry.

“ I'm sorry ,” Ryan's mother says to Lucas's mother.

Ryan's mother buys another cone and forces him to give it to Lucas. Ryan was spanked for what he had done and was crying.

“ You didn't have to do that, ” says Lucas' mother.

This boy is crossing the line — says Ryan's mother — He won't stop!

Ryan was crying and Lucas offered him some of his cone. From that moment on, the two became great friends.

tells Lucas

I remember that day like it was yesterday. The day I met Ryan, I was licking an ice cream cone in the square, and then I see a small raccoon approaching. He wouldn't stay still, you could see that his mother was a little stressed. My mom

had just bought me an ice cream cone, so Ryan asks his mom for one, but she refuses to buy it. He gets pissed and drops my cone on the floor.

Ryan's mother looked at my mother, embarrassed.

“ Sorry ,” she was saying.

She asked the ice cream man to put a cone on and while he was putting it on, she smacked Ryan twice. He was crying

he was so cute before — Lucas thought as he remembered the scene. She asked him to give me the cone, he handed it over with his face all sullen and full of tears.

My mother disapproved of his mother's attitude. He was crying a lot and I decided to offer him some ice cream. He accepts and we lick the ice cream until it's gone

 He accepts and we lick the ice cream until it's gone

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The next day was the first day of school and guess who was there? Ryan. From then on, we became great friends. Thanks to both of us, our parents got closer and also a coincidence is that my father had been a friend of his father when they lived in another city.

Ryan was always fun to be around, he was up to no good and he was also brave. There was one time in 5th grade he hit a kid with a punch that wanted to hit him, he was a mouse next to the kid; and another that he got revenge on a kid who was always teasing him, they were at the pool, the kid was teasing him and Ryan sneaks up and lowers his shorts. The guy was there, surrounded by girls, and he did it.

 The guy was there, surrounded by girls, and he did it

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Ryan, always unpredictable. It all happened so fast, I can't believe what we did, imagine if our parents find out. But, I confess that I liked it and he must have liked it too, I think he didn't expect me to take the initiative.

I thought his face smeared with milk was funny, he liked it and got a little confused at the same time.

Ryan's personality

Ever since he was a kid, Ryan has always been messy, lazy, and a little anxious. This was pretty typical raccoon behavior, Ryan was just a little conceited, like his friend Lucas. He was a good friend and creative, but had little focus like Matheus, he got along very well with some subjects and was terrible in others. If there's one thing he hated, it was math and history, the opposite of Matheus.

His mother and father kept on his toes to get him to focus more on the subjects he had difficulty with, but it was in vain. He liked to spend all day doing nothing, drawing, watching anime, making fanfics and talking bad about others.

Ryan chuckled to himself, nobody knew who was behind such stories. People were enraged, trying to find out who had made them. Professor Liam was one of his favorite victims, the biology teacher and the math teacher were also attacked.

On one occasion, Ryan drew a naughty drawing of a devil grabbing the biology teacher's two breasts. She was stunned, trying to figure out who it had been. Sneakingly, Ryan goes into the bathroom and snickers.

On another occasion, he drew a picture of Professor Liam riding a unicorn with a rainbow in the background and everyone laughed. Another time, the Mathematics teacher acted like a donkey, the guy searched the whole school looking for the culprit and nothing. He was so pissed off that he pinned the picture to the board and there it stayed all year. He said he would not rest until he found the culprit, his face red with rage. Ryan drew some gay-themed fanfics and put them in the biology teacher's bag. She was freaked out, this woman hated gays.

On another occasion, Ryan entered some groups on the internet using fake profiles to make them hell. His favorite target was the biology teacher who hated gays, he sent several pictures of gays kissing and the woman went crazy.

Prof. liam narrating

It was a Monday, and I arrived in the classroom to teach physical education. "What the fuck is this?" — Everyone is laughing, looking at a drawing and when I see it, it's my drawing hanging on the board. I'm mounted on a pink unicorn with a colorful outfit, hands up and a rainbow at the bottom. It has a really big name spelled "Liam".

What kid made this fucking drawing? I thought.

I interrogate everyone in the class. Nobody shows up and I suspect it's those two hyenas or Guilherme, it can only be them. I ask Guilherme to accompany me and I call the two hyenas to the principal's office. I show them the drawings and they deny it was them. It doesn't seem to be them, but after all, who did this joke to me? I won't rest until I find out who did this, I have no proof against William or those hyenas, but I will find out who did this to me

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