Chapter 24 : Attentive Ryan

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matheus narrating

It was January 1, 2016. I woke up very early in the morning, as usual, to buy bread. I couldn't sleep well the night before, I couldn't stop thinking about Lucas and Ryan. I get out of bed, look at the clock and it's six o'clock in the morning, wash my face and go downstairs, taking the money that was on the table to buy bread.

My father was getting ready for another day of work while he was preparing coffee, I said good morning to him and he said "Good morning, Matheus". He seemed to be a little worried about something, I rarely see him show any feelings.

I leave the house with the money and head towards the bakery, buy the bread and return home.

The sky was very clear, the wemb-te-vis were singing in the trees and on the electrical wires, and, simultaneously, a breeze with a pleasant chill ruffled my fur. Life was starting another day, I saw hungover people on the streets, disposable cups lying around and people cleaning up the mess. While walking I saw broken eggs on the ground and cornstarch on the street, I keep walking and see Paulo, one of the hyenas, holding a raccoon. Wait, that raccoon is Ryan!!

Ryan narrating

I was distracted while Leonardo faced and fought with the cat José and Luís, and I feel someone take both my arms from behind. I try to look and see that it's Paulo, he starts holding both my arms back and it starts to hurt a lot. I try to let go, but I can't, Paulo was very angry and was still covered in eggs.

Paul narrates

Ryan was distracted and I take the opportunity to sneak up on him, when he realizes my presence, he tries to escape, but I hold both of his arms from behind. I was mad with rage. I was fine and he does this to me, he's going to pay me!! - I thought.

I pull both of his arms back and put my leg on his back and he starts telling me to stop because it hurts so bad.

I tell him to apologize and he says he won't do that anymore, so I knee him three times in the back and drop him to the ground. He looked like he was crying and started crying, I approach him to help him, I reach out my hand and you know what he does? He started to smile, placing a lollipop in my hand. I didn't understand anything and while I was confused, he took sand and threw it in my eyes.

"Son of a bitch raccoon!! - I shouted putting my paws on my face to remove the excess sand from my eyes. Meanwhile, he starts to run, but I grab him by the tail and drag him back. This time, I started to punch him.

Until suddenly, someone pulls me back and when I look, it's Matheus, the hyena.

matheus narrating

It was Ryan and Paulo, the hyena was smacking him. I run and pull Paulo off him, pushing him away. Paulo was all dirty and so was Ryan.

What happened? I asked them both.

Paulo was very angry, even with me around, he still tries to approach the raccoon.

Paulo said irritably and with his face smeared with dirt:

"I'll get you Ryan!" You still pay me, I'll beat you up. Lucky for you, your friend just showed up, but when you least expect it, I'm going to have my reckoning.

Paul later walks away, looking at Ryan.

Ryan was scared and I ask him to walk me home and ask him what happened.

Ryan: - I went shopping and out of nowhere they threw soda and I retaliated by throwing eggs at them, then they started chasing me, wanting to hit me.

In my thoughts: - I think I know why they were chasing Ryan, he teased him first and now he's scared.

I invite Ryan to have breakfast with me, his face is white with cornstarch and so is his shirt, with cornstarch and eggs.

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