Chapter 13 the evidence

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Lucas' mother narrating

I get home and see that Lucas is not in the living room, he usually spends the whole afternoon playing there. What is happening? Did something happen?

I head upstairs, calling his name, but Lucas doesn't answer.

" Lucas!" I call again, but he doesn't answer. I see that his bedroom door is closed.

I open the door and when I approach it, I see that Lucas is sleeping. I get scared when I see a shape that looks like someone is lying next to him and I see that he was in a deep sleep. I approach slowly and when I pull the sheet, I see that it was just two pillows and sheets piled up, he was waking up.

“ Hm? Mom, what's up? he asks in a sleepy voice.

“ Nothing, son ,” I tell him.

" Why were you sleeping at this time?"

“ I ended up getting sleepy and went to sleep, Mom, ” he says, yawning.

There must be something wrong, I tell myself. I saw his shorts downstairs lying on the couch and I see claw marks on the wall. Is Lucas bringing some girl home maybe? I wonder but say nothing.

When you want dinner, just go downstairs, okay, honey? I say that, leaving the room and closing the door.

Lucas e Ryan

“ Ryan, she's gone, get out of there ,” Lucas said.

Okay, I'm going out, but my shorts are downstairs. I can't just go around in my underwear, ” says Ryan.

" I'll get him and you stay there!" says Lucas .

" As if I had a choice, " Ryan said sarcastically.

Lucas got dressed and went to dinner.

The parents were too tired to notice that Ryan had left his shorts by the rack. Lucas hurried over to the rack and kicked Ryan's shorts down so the parents couldn't see.

" What's that over there?" asks Roberto, looking towards Lucas.

" This what?" asked Lucas, afraid his father was referring to the shorts on the floor.

Roberto was pointing to a model that was next to the rack where Lucas had kicked Ryan's shorts.

Ahh, okay, this is a model of Brasilia, the capital of Brazil — said Lucas, trying to hide it with a weak smile.

Roberto approached to analyze the work closely, so close that he could have seen Ryan's shorts, but luckily for Lucas he didn't notice the shorts.

" Who made this model?"

“ Ryan and I ,” Lucas said.

I'm proud of you, son — said Roberto, who then went to sit at the table, because he was tired and at the same time, Lucas' mother started to serve them.

tells Lucas

My parents are looking at me with a kind of mischievous look. My dad looked at my mom and rubbed my head, smiling.

Son, I know you're bringing a girl home and sleeping with her — said Roberto while, in his mind, Lucas said that this girl was Ryan and held back a lot not to laugh.

Lucas looked at his mother and she had a proud smile on her face.

" What do you mean?" I ask.

We are your parents, we know you, son — said the mother.

You're a little agitated, you seem a little airy and you even have some scratches all over your room — says the mother.

“ No, I'm not bringing anyone here ,” I say.

" The sheets on your bed were dirty, " said her mother.

At this time, Lucas turned red.

" Who is she?" my father asked .

" She who?" Lucas asked.

“ Don't play dumb, Lucas. When are you going to introduce us to the girl? said the father, smiling.

" I-I don't know what you're talking about, " he stammered.

" Leave him alone, Robert. said my mother.

I finish my dinner and, a little embarrassed, I go to sit on the sofa as if I didn't want anything and I play with my cell phone.

Until, there was a moment when my mother was picking up some clothes in the backyard and my father went into the bathroom. At that time, I grabbed Ryan's shorts that were under the rack and took them to him. Ryan was still under the bed.

" What took you so long? " - he asked.

I was having dinner — I whisper to him and ask him to get dressed quickly.

At the same time, I heard someone coming up the stairs again.

" Ryan, get out the window!" I whispered to him, afraid he'd be seen.

" No way!" Ryan said from under the bed, still pulling on his shorts.

And then there was a knock on the door and when I came around to open it, it was my dad.

" What are you doing there, Lucas?" he asked.

Nothing, dad, I'm just looking for a pair of slippers — I tell him.

But you're wearing shoes. By any chance, I wouldn't be hiding the girl there, would I? said my father.

" There's no one here, Dad ," Lucas said, afraid he'd look under the bed.

But Roberto, even so, enters the room, turns on the light and realizes that the bed was messed up. When he approached the bed, he smelled a raccoon and he bent down to see if there was anyone under the bed, but there was nothing there.

My dad leaves the room, watching me with a suspicious eye as Ryan is in the closet and I let out a sigh of relief.

Ryan climbed out the window, climbing a tree next to the window. He manages to get off, looks back and waves me goodbye.

" Goodbye, Ryan ," I said quietly so my parents wouldn't hear as I waved at him, admiring that beautiful striped-furred raccoon walking away, the wind ruffling its fur. I see your malicious smile and a masked face of a little thief who stole my heart.

Narra Ryan

I got home and my mom was worried about why I took so long. I say we were making a mockup.

I went into the bathroom and started to wash myself, when I'm done, I go to dinner. Then I brush my teeth and go to sleep thinking about Lucas.

That little wolf can't get out of my head - Ryan thought in bed, trying to sleep.

Lucas's parents were increasingly suspicious of him. They noticed that his chest had claw marks and so did his clothes.

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