Chapter 15 Getting close part two

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narrator narrating

It was December 23, 2015, Christmas Eve. This date was very sad for Matheus, because every year he had to attend the boring family dinners on the 24th. He hated this date, because he always stayed in the corner, being ignored by

his father's family and simply did not exist. Leonardo always dragged his son to these boring meetings, even if it was against his will and even if his family didn't like Matheus' presence.

And Matheus, every year, stayed in a very distant corner on purpose reading a book or playing with a cell phone. He

rarely approached, if only to get some food or water. He had to stay there almost all night and that was very sad because he had nowhere to sleep, but that year was different. He insisted that he didn't want to go, his father said he had to go because he had to be close to his family. Matheus tried to insist on staying, but Leonardo, with a serious look, gave the final word.

It was December 24, 2015. On that day, Matheus slept until seven in the morning. It was pleasantly chilly on the Rio Grande, the sky was lit up with bright yellow tones and the birds were singing outside.

Matheus gets out of bed at half past seven, stretching. Drowsily, he started taking zombie steps towards the bathroom,

doing all the morning steps. He washes his face and then goes down to the kitchen. Arriving there, he puts some coffee in the cup and starts drinking, eating a piece of cake. Alone at the table, he reflected on how sad that day was, he had vague memories of his mother and wished she was by his side.

Alone, again — Matheus said to himself.

The kitchen was a little big and had a medium-sized window at the top.

Matheus was busy having his breakfast when a bird appeared singing in the window. Matheus took a piece of cake and threw it at the bird to scare it away, but it came back and continued singing. Matheus played another piece and the bird came back, continuing to sing its sweet melody, and Matheus watched it admired.

Matheus didn't have anyone to hug him and say Merry Christmas, nor anyone to give him gifts or anyone to stand by him.

Dinner began at six as usual. Leonardo arrived by car with Matheus and was welcomed by everyone, hugged some, was hugged by others; Matheus, as usual, was ignored, staying in his usual spot. But that year was different, Matheus didn't want to stay there. It was already 8:30 and after so much insistence, the father allows him to return home, but he would have to return by bus. Leonardo gives Matheus the keys and money to return.

Matheus went to the nearest bus stop and waited for about 15 minutes, until the bus appeared. He takes the bus and after two stops, Lucas gets on the bus. Lucas stayed until seven looking for a present to give his father, when he went to the bus stop and missed a bus.

Matheus was so sad and airy in his thoughts that he didn't notice that Lucas was on the bus. Lucas sat down next to him and he jumped.

“ What are you doing here? Matheus asked Lucas.

I went to buy a present for my father — says Lucas — And you? Lucas asks.

I'm going home, I came from my father's family's boring dinners. Every year it's the same thing, I always have to be there. I don't know why he insists, they don't like me — Matheus said, a little sad.

" Won't you come to dinner with us?" Lucas asked.

I don't know if he would approve — says Matheus.

The bus stopped on a street close to Matheus' house, but Lucas insisted and Matheus ended up giving in. They went to Lucas's house and, when they got there, the house was all decorated with various Christmas ornaments. There was a three-foot Christmas tree all decorated with twinkling lights, there was a fireplace with logs being consumed by the fire,

in addition to Lucas's parents. Ryan was also present. It was already 10 o'clock and everyone started to serve themselves,

at the same time Bianca's parents arrived hugging everyone and wishing them a Merry Christmas. Everyone helped themselves and spen

Bianca's mother looked at Matheus's eyes and face as if those green eyes and that face were familiar to her or reminded her of someone she knew.

Everyone was gathered in the backyard of the house near a huge araucaria tree. Dinner was served on a wooden table and had everything there: chimarrão, nuts, wine, soda and a roasted turkey. Everyone started helping themselves and Bianca sat next to Lucas's mother.

Ryan tried to sit next to Lucas, but Lucas called Matheus to sit in the chair next to him.

Ryan got a little jealous, this was Lucas's mini revenge over Micaele. Ryan was kind of sulking all supper.

At this time, Matheus, realizing everything, gave small muffled laughs, and Ryan stared into his eyes.

Lucas's parents were talking to Bianca's parents for several hours. Matheus had a lot of fun with Lucas, the two talked a lot about everything and were already mingling with the adults, until Lucas received a call from his father. The father assumed that he was not at home.

" Who is it?" Lucas asked.

— It's my father — said Matheus — He wants me to go home — he said with a sad face.

" Stay a little longer ," Lucas insisted.

"I can't, " said Matheus.

To Ryan's delight, Matheus had to return home. Lucas decides to accompany him to his house, on the way, they saw several houses decorated in every way. Matheus noticed that while they were walking Lucas' tail was swaying slightly and his eyes were shining like crystal, until they arrived at his house.

Bye, Lucas.

See you later — said Matheus.

" See you ," Lucas said . " Here's your Christmas present."

Matheus turns around and Lucas gives Matheus a very strong hug, and since no one was watching, he kisses his cheek. Matheus was all flushed and embarrassed.

See you later, Matheus — says Lucas.

Matheus enters the house and stands at the door, watching Lucas walk away. As he walked, Lucas turned and gave Matheus a few nods.

Matheus stays at the door until Lucas disappears completely. That was the best Christmas of your life and that kiss, the best present. Matheus went to sleep with a different feeling, as if his heart was light. He was feeling a mixture of joy and the urge to cry and as he lay there, a smile formed on his face and tears flowed from his eyes.

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