School party parte one

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joseph narrating

It was June 10, 2015, there would be a party at school that day, but I didn't feel like going, I wanted to stay home and rest

and I didn't feel like interacting with anyone. The night before I stayed up late playing GTA and I was really tired and just wanted to slee

It was almost 7 o'clock and the sun had already risen, but I continued lying in bed until someone sneaked up and touched me, making me startle and jump out of bed, shivering all over. When I fell on all fours on the bed, all shivering and breathing

with my heart pounding, I realized that it was my two wolf cousins from my father's side who had done this, I find them so annoying.

I barely recover from the fright and they are soon hugging me, squeezing, biting my face and messing up my fur.

How long Jose. says Junior messing up all my fur and hugging me.

“You look very handsome. says my cousin Ludmila, licking my face.

I try to get rid of them and they just look at each other and smile.

My cousin takes me by the arms and my cousin by the paws of my feet and they start rocking me back and forth while laughing.

I kept trying to free myself, but it was useless, they were stronger. Then they start tickling my belly and I hate it, I even told them to stop but they keep going.

I was already losing patience and screaming for them to stop, but they only stopped and put me back on the bed after their father shouted for them to stop and I could still hear my father say “come on, this boy is full of freshness.”

I was huffing with rage, all drooled and fur all messed up, I have to take these wolfdog pranks from them.

Then I fixed my fur and sat on the bed.

"I hear there's a party at your school today." Junior said.

You are not going? asked Ludmila.

I said I wouldn't go because I didn't make many friends and I didn't feel like it either. All he wanted was to stay alone at home and sleep.

It was just saying that I wanted to stay asleep that my father appeared in the room and told me to get up and take a shower, I tried to lie down again, but he got me up and forced me to go to the shower.

With no alternative, I give in to his request and leave the room towards the shower. I shower, which I hate, but I just wet and dry myself. Then I go to the bedroom to get dressed. I go to the table for coffee and on the way I talk to my uncle and his wife, then I make my sandwich and coffee. While having coffee, Junior talked about the party at my school and said he would like to go and my cousin also agreed.

“ They'll still want to make me go, I'm sure. - I thought.

And that's what happened, I said I didn't want to go because I hated loud noise and also because I didn't make many friends
and because I was tired, but it was useless, my mother made me go and take my cousins with me. They could only enter there accompanied by a student from the school.

We were walking and while we were walking, they said that I was very boring and that cats are boring, they don't like to play.

I was listening in silence, I didn't feel like talking, in fact, I didn't even feel like going there. When we arrived in
front of the school, there were a lot of people at the entrance, you could hear sounds playing in the school, I had the impression that the party was a bit messy and didn't even look like a June party.

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