Mathew's father

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Matheus's father was called Leonardo and he was a very severe and controlling wolf, he was a figure feared by some people,

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Matheus's father was called Leonardo and he was a very severe and controlling wolf, he was a figure feared by some people,

having the reputation of being a ruthless policeman.

There were rumors that Leonardo would be involved in some murders, like his father who would have been poisoned by him, but that was a very well kept secret that not even Matheus knew.

For being very controlling and possessive, Matheus's mother, being helped by Bianca's parents, decided to run away. Matheus' mother was a cat who was disappointed with everything.

When Matheus was born, she didn't feel much affection for him. Having parents of different species, Matheus must have inherited the DNA of some unknown ancestors, Leonardo was bitter about the departure and decided to take out his frustration on the

boy, paying little or no attention to him.

Matheus grew up feeling insecure and powerless, always in the shadow of his father, whom he always looked to for a little affection. And to make matters worse, he had to be gay with a homophobic father.

May 7, 2018

Leonardo narrating

Matheus has been strange lately, he sees something on that laptop. Whenever I'm around he closes that laptop and looks kind of nervous when I use that laptop. Looks like he's hiding something from me, I'm going to catch him in the act, I'm going to

jump over the wall, go around the back of the house and sneak into the living room while he's messing with his laptop. I tell him I'm going out, I turn around the house, jump over the wall and sneak into the backyard. When I'm approaching the room, I can't believe what I see: several naked males, others in swim trunks and others in bed making out.

What the fuck is this, Matheus? I ask him.

" Nothing, father. he says.

I try to grab the laptop and he tries to hold it, but I'm stronger than he is. I get mad and start hitting him, my only son can't be gay. I teach him a lesson to see if he becomes a real man.

This boy is a problem in my life. I wish he had died in his brother's place, even when he's beaten he looks like a fagot. Maybe this time he'll learn a lesson, and it's all the fault of that gay friend of his, Lucas. If he opens his mouth, I'm going to end his life and if he approaches Matheus one more time, the only thing he's going to see is a bullet stuck right in the middle of his face - thought Leonardo .

Narrator Narrating

" What the fuck is this?" Leonardo asked.

Nothing, father! said Matheus, closing his laptop.

" Let me see!" Leonardo says.

Matheus tries to pull the laptop, but the father was stronger and pushes him to the other side of the couch. Matheus's face was red and trembling.

Damn, Matheus! What the fuck are you looking at? - says Leonardo, very loud - Do you like men!?!

No, father - denied Matheus - Then why are you seeing these images? Leonardo asked.

- It was just an impulse dad - says Matheus - It won't happen again - the father, in a rage, grabbed a belt and started hitting him while saying - Go to the room now!

Matheus starts to cry a lot.

" What the fuck is going on in your head?" Now you like to see men without clothes? Do you want to sleep with a male? My only child is now a faggot? - while saying that, Leonardo hit Matheus.

Matheus put his arm in front of the straps to protect his body and after the beating, he ended up being all marked.

Leonardo corners Matheus against a wall and stares him deep in the eyes with the look of a rabid wolf, ready to attack, with fangs showing.

Let this not happen again Matheus, you don't want to know who I really am - Leonardo said and then left, closing the bedroom door.

Matheus was alone in the dark, he felt a lot of pain all over his body, crying a lot he lay down on his bed and passed out.

Matheus narrates

I was having a strange dream, I was a kid I think, Lucas came up and said:

I want to show you something, Matheus - I decided to follow him - My house? asked Matheus, confused. " There's a gift waiting for you ," Lucas said.

I walk home and when I arrive, my mom was there waiting for me. I run to hug her and she says in her sweet voice that I can ask

her anything, I tearfully ask her to stay with me and not leave. She kisses me on the head and the dream ends, it's 3:40 and I wake up crying and with body aches.

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