Louis and Paul

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I arrive in the living room and I stayed in the corner, I even tried to flirt with a girl, but her boyfriend arrived and she followed him and even looked at me over her shoulder with a smile.

I felt like an idiot for being there and I got a little distracted in my thoughts, when I woke up Bianca and Micaele were arguing and some people were throwing firewood at the conversation.

Lucas and Ryan arrived in the room and Lucas was kind of sad and angry. They started to argue because Bianca was saying in between screams that while they were dancing and the fox was stepping on her foot all the time with her stiletto heels and Micaele who was bigger and wore high heels just looked down at Bianca with mockery and repeated what Bianca was saying while everyone laughed.

The fox took a cigarette that a student from another room was smoking and blew the smoke in Bianca's face, which immediately reacted with a scratch of its claws, which caused Micaele's face to bleed. At the same time a fight broke out between the cat and the fox. Micaele gave some scratches on Bianca's face while she pulled her hair and stepped on her tail.

The fight was soon separated by Lucas and Ryan who were in the middle of the two. Micaele ended up breaking the heel of one of the clogs and was left with the other paw bare.

The fox was playing the victim while Bianca continued to curse irritably and losing her reason.

Bianca then took one of the jumps and threw it towards the fox, hitting it in the head and irritated the fox tried to go to Bianca, but Lucas and Ryan separated them while Bianca was on the other side smiling all shivering and messy. The fox still cursed Lucas and then went to cry on Ryan's shoulders.

The party ended after that and we just stayed there eating the snacks, until the hyenas show up in our living room and start eating the snacks and drinking the soda.

When the director approaches the place, they filled their pockets with snacks and left, but not before putting their paw in the cake, kneading it. The director then ended all the parties, as it had already become total madness, people had fought, used condoms were found in men's clothing, obscene drawings of genitals were graffitied on the walls, phrases
offending some people and students appeared drunk in the rooms where the two friends de Micaele were studying which made me

Some students left school sad, others angry and others offended wanting to fight. As we walked towards our homes, it was possible to hear people taking offense from afar and swearing revenge, people laughing and throwing firewood in the confusion, Micaele got a huge bump on her head, Bianca with her face swollen and messy hair, but the fury it had not yet passed.

I was walking with my cousins back home near Lucas and his group, my cousins were talking to them and I didn't say anything, I just wanted to get home soon.

As we walked down a street in the distance, I noticed Paulo hanging a boy from the tree while Luis and everyone around him laughed and the boy screamed. We continued walking and arrived at our homes.

My parents ask how the party went and I say it was a fiasco and everything went wrong.

" But you didn't even get anything out of it." says Junior, my cousin.

“ You're very moody, that's for sure. says my cousin.

I was ashamed, what else was I going to do? I don't do very well with parties and you still danced to that obscene song, I wasn't going to stay there. I replied and my cousin smiled while my uncle looked at her a little serious.

These young people today are very forward, we at least controlled ourselves, we were more behaved and we didn't listen to these songs that are just bullshit. says my father while my mother agreed with him.

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