Chapter six

47 14 5

February 25, 2015

tells Lucas

That night, Ryan's parents let him sleep over at my house. It was my mother's birthday, who was turning 33. My father prepared a barbecue, my uncles brought the wines and we all had dinner with some friends.
Ryan, Raul and Bianca and her parents were also there, except for Matheus, the hyena. After dinner, the adults stayed
in the backyard talking, while Lucas and his friends went into the living room and put on the movie “Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters.”

We sat on the couch and started watching the movie. Raul sat next to Bianca and I sat next to Ryan. Raul and Bianca stayed with us until the end of the movie and it was already 9:30 pm. My parents said goodbye to the guests and I asked Ryan's parents if he could stay with us tonight, they agreed. We were playing Minecraft until 10:20 pm and I noticed that Ryan saw me with a kind of perverted look.

I kept looking at him, but I tried to hide the look. We were in survival mode and out of nowhere, he attacks me and I smile, attacking him too.

We start fighting in Minecraft and then we start having a pillow fight on the couch, and all of a sudden I slip and end up pulling him. I fall onto the couch and Ryan lands on top of me. And holding both my arms, he says:

" I won, you lost!"

I try to get rid of him, but he's too strong.

When I manage to get up, he gives me a wrench around the neck and rubs his paws on my head. I break free again and now face him on the couch, show my teeth like a big bad wolf and say:

" And now?" Who won?

“ Oh no, the big bad wolf! Ryan says, wrapping a red cloth around his head when I hear the door to my parents' room open and my mother appears on the stairs and says, “Don't make too much noise, boys ,” and goes back to the
bedroom, closing the door. We stay in the living room until 11 am when my mother appears again and tells us to go to sleep.

But before the 11 o'clock mark, we put on another horror movie called “The Girl in the Red Hood”. The protagonist
was Little Red Riding Hood, who was chased by the werewolf. Occasionally, I would make a big bad wolf face and show my teeth

for Ryan. He would laugh and at the same time look kind of scared, I would bite his face and growl and Ryan would push me. He was already half scared and when the movie ended, we went upstairs and went to sleep.

Ryan changed into his sleepwear and I into mine. He laid down on a mat and I on my bed.

Ryan was a little scared, I could see that. I decided to play a trick on him by pretending I was turning into a werewolf. As the room was kind of dark and my eyes were shining, I started to squirm on the bed and growl his name. Ryan tried to get off the mattress, but I pulled him by the tail. He broke free and tried to reach the door, but it was locked.

I go towards him with claws and teeth bared, snarling and Ryan starts to ask him to stop, making that noise raccoons make when they are stuck. I found it so funny that I started laughing at him and he, a little angry, picked up a shoe, threw it in my direction and went back to bed. I was laughing at him and he lay down a little sullen. I go back to my bed and say:

" Are you afraid of the wolf?" He nodded.

“ Lie down here ,” I told him.

He laid down on my side sullenly.

His fur was so warm and cozy I liked being close, I say:

" Good night, raccoon."

And he says:

“ Goodnight, werewolf ,” I growl and close my eyes. Narra Ryan

I had a strange dream that night. Lucas and I were at school at our desks, the teacher asked us to present our work and out of nowhere our clothes disappeared in front of everyone. Everyone was laughing at us and taking pictures.

My God! How embarrassing that was — I thought and all of a sudden, Lucas ended up kissing me in front of everyone and was rubbing up against me. I start to feel my heart racing and I'm having a strange feeling that I've never had before. When I wake up, I see that I'm aroused and leaking, glued to Lucas and he seems to be enjoying it.

He turns around and I get under him. He kisses me on the mouth, I reciprocate and I start to feel a strange sensation of his body rubbing against mine, I see a volume in his shorts and on impulse, I lower the clothes and take his member that was very swollen .

That was a strange feeling. His member was hard and hot, you could feel the veins and I started to move, moving back and forth. Taking his member felt so good.

Lucas made some moans and I continued until he came, I covered his mouth so his parents wouldn't hear his moans.

narrator narrating

“ What did we do? Ryan asks, looking at Lucas.

“ Sorry, Ryan ,” says Lucas , “ it was on impulse.

Ryan was silent for a while and said, “ No, it was my fault.

The two got weird.

Ryan went back to the mat and Lucas stayed on his bed and wondered, confused, what had happened.

A mess was brewing in Ryan's head. He liked Lucas a lot, but he couldn't imagine doing that with his best friend. I'm not gay ,” Ryan told himself.

The next day

" Sorry, it was just an impulse, it won't happen again, " Ryan said.

“ Okay, let it go, let's forget about it, ” Lucas says, looking away.

Ryan and Lucas liked the feeling, but if their parents found out it would certainly be a big problem, since not only their parents, but also the country was very homophobic.

ryan thought

“ We'd better keep this a secret ,” Ryan said, smiling.

“ Okay ,” Lucas said, blushing.

narrator narrating

Ryan and Lucas walk down the stairs as if nothing happened.

I want to do it again , Ryan thought.

That feeling was weird but good , Lucas thought.

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