Chapter 14 getting close part one

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Narra Ryan

I was almost discovered by Lucas's family when I was at their house. I woke up to the sound of his mother coming up the stairs and calling his name.

I quickly got up and thought about hiding under the bed, but before I did, I piled two pillows on the bed and left the sheet on top to throw her off. I could see her astonished face when she saw that and I had to hold back a lot not to laugh. She pulled back the sheet only to see that there was nothing there but the piled up pillows.

Afterwards, Lucas went upstairs with my shorts and, again, I was almost discovered by his father. I snuck quickly into the wardrobe this time as Lucas distracted him at the door. After checking the room, Roberto left and watched Lucas suspiciously.

I went out the window, where there was a tree and I went down it, saying goodbye to Lucas soon after. I wave at him and he watches me through the window. He looked like he was really in love.

I go ahead, and he keeps watching me with that silly, childish face of his.

I get home kind of late and my mom was waiting for me.

“ What took you so long? she asked, already worried about my delay.

“ I was making a model of the capital of Brazil with Lucas,” I told her.

I went to the bathroom to wash up and then I went to lunch.

You weren't making out, were you? my mother asked, and I deny it.

She says I've been out of the house too long.

" Who is she?" asked Nicolas, who was my 8-year-old brother while I was 14.

" Nobody," I replied.

" My brother is very flirty, one day I'm going to be that way too," Nicolas said, and I got even redder in the face remembering what I'd done hours before.

Introduce her to me — says my father, who was at the table.

My father said that I remembered him when I was my age and that he was a quiet eater, he didn't say anything to anyone.

“ I know you're seeing someone and I'm going to find out who it is,” my dad says.

It's a fox and she studies with me — I say to throw off.

My father watched me with a proud face. I felt embarrassed and wondered what his reaction would be if he found out what I had done hours earlier.

I finished dinner, went to brush my teeth and then sleep. I kept thinking about what I had done and my mind kept condemning me with that memory.

I went to sleep that night thinking about Lucas and how handsome he was. I fell asleep and was having a dream about Lucas, in one of these dreams he kisses me in front of my whole family. My parents went crazy when they saw that, my father was furious

and kicked me out of the house, my mother was already crying and my brother was angry with me. I woke up in the middle of the night, panting and my heart racing.

“ It was just a dream,” I tell myself, calming down, and go back to sleep.

Lucas narrating

The next day, Ryan and I, as usual, went to school and I noticed that he was kind of brooding and distant. That day, we presented the model, it was a geography work on the capital of Brazil. After that, Ryan was still distant.

At the end of class I try to understand why and he tells me he just wants to be left alone. I stayed chatting a little with Matheus and then we went home together.

I went straight to Matheus' house, he fried some pepperoni and we ate together, then he took care of cleaning the plates and the table, putting everything in its proper place.

Matheus and I liked Adventure Time a lot, he put it on Sky TV and we spent hours watching and commenting on the cartoon, then we changed the channel and Dora, The Adventurer was playing. We were making fun of this drawing for several hours.

It's very funny, it looks like she's blind. “Do you see the castle? Do you see the bridge?” Dora is very stupid Matheus.

It's covered. This drawing should be banned, it makes children autistic hihihihi. - I said.

And so, we spent several hours having fun. Then I put on Just a Show.

"Rigby has a hot brother," Lucas said involuntarily and shut up at once, blushing. Matheus stares at me with a confused look, then he starts laughing and I start laughing too. He laughs so hard he starts laughing like a hyena and I start laughing

even harder.

" Do you usually stay here alone?" I ask him.

“ Yes,” he tells me, kind of sadly. “ My dad goes out alone all week and he has this other woman he met a while ago, but I don't like her. In fact, when my mother left, he had three more and I didn't like any of them.

He thinks I'd better stay here. Her belly is getting bigger and I think she must be expecting his child. I don't like my father's family and I don't know my mother's family, nor do I have many friends - said Matheus.

“ You have me,” I tell him and we smile at each other. “You can come over to my place whenever you want.

Then we started studying math. Matheus mastered this subject more, since I was getting a lot of trouble with the

second degree equation with an unknown. He helped me a lot and I got a tough seven on the bimonthly test. Anyway, I had gathered 19 points to pass the subject and if I wanted to pass directly, I would only need 9 more points. He continued to help me with that subject and I managed to pass the year thanks to him. I reciprocated by helping him with Portuguese, geography and literature, as I mastered these areas more.

narrator narrating

Ryan begins to notice that lately Micaele, the fox, has been admiring him, making him uncomfortable, but there was something about her that caught his attention. They began to exchange glances and they got closer and closer, until the day Ryan decided to ask for her number and she gave it.

They stayed talking until the wee hours. Micaele was very passionate about him, but very possessive, and little by little she made Ryan withdraw from his friends. She wanted him to be hers alone.

Lucas got a little jealous of Ryan and they started to get jealous of each other. Ryan no longer liked Matheus and an antipathy grew between the two. Ryan got closer to Micaele to get revenge on Lucas and Lucas got closer to Matheus to get

revenge on Ryan.

narrator narrating

It was already the end of the year, December 12, 2015, the day of truth. On that day, students would know who went straight through and who went to recovery.

Ryan, who was relaxed, was on recovery in five and Guilherme in four. Lucas almost went to recovery in math, but thanks to Matheus he didn't stay.

Ryan would sulk alone studying for recovery, refusing to receive help from Lucas or Matheus.

Guilherme had the nerve to beg Matheus for help after everything he had done to him and Matheus, out of kindness, helped Guilherme and he, along with Ryan, managed to pass the year.

Guilherme stopped teasing Matheus. His father started to allow visitors, his grades improved, he started to fit in more

and he had Lucas in his company, a faithful friend that he liked a lot. It seemed that everything was working out for Matheus, at least for now.

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