Lucke's house

31 13 0

February 25, 2015

tells Lucas

Ryan lay down next to me, his fur was soft and warm and I felt comfortable next to him. I was admiring him, because I never thought he was so handsome before. I close my eyes and go to sleep, but I wake up in the middle of the night, it feels like something hard is poking me.

Wow, that's the member of the one. He hugs me tightly and I feel his muscles against my body. It was a strange feeling, but I was enjoying it, my heart was pounding.

I start to get hard too, I feel hot goo come out of him and he's feeling pleasure. I lose control and attack him, climb on top of him and start kissing him. I was hard and throbbing, I was enjoying it and so was he. He suddenly lowered my shorts and started making up and down movements. Wow, that was strange, I had never felt that before. I gave a few moans of pleasure, until I started to leak too and he covered my mouth so my parents wouldn't hear. We were looking at each other, we were confused.

“ What are we doing? I ask.

“ Sorry ,” he says, getting off my bed and going back to the mat. A jumble of thoughts ran through my head.

Am I gay? I asked myself.

The next day, Matheus, the hyena went to Lucas' house during the afternoon to start doing the work.

Matheus narrates

I went to Lucas' house, which is a little far from mine. It was a very pretty house with two floors, glass windows and a flowering yellow ipe tree in front. I got there and Lucas took me to his room, gave me some cookies and some Nescau. His room was a little bigger than mine. The walls were white, there was a huge window next to the bed that was on the right and left side,

there was a small table with the laptop.

Lucas was good at history, but he got bogged down in dates. We started researching about the colonization of Brazil and the exploitation of Pau-Brasil.

We did our part in 2 hours and when we were done, Lucas invited me to play some Minecraft. I was actually enjoying the game. We were playing and talking, he asked me where my house was and I said where it was. He asked me for my number and I gave it to him.

He asked if I lived with my parents, I said I lived with my father and he asked about my mother.

" They broke up, I haven't seen her since I was a kid, " I said, kind of sadly.

“ I'm sorry ,” Lucas said.

" Why did you transfer schools?" he asked.

“ Because I was being bullied and I didn't have any friends there.

I was starting to enjoy his company. He looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes, he looked a little childish. The hours flew by and when I looked at my cell phone, it was five o'clock.

“ I need to go, ” I tell him.

Lucas accompanied me to the exit and I said goodbye to him.

tells Lucas

I watched Matheus slowly disappear on the horizon. He turned and waved at me before disappearing entirely. He had a deep look, as if those green eyes wanted to say something.

Matheus narrates

I get home and see that my dad hasn't arrived yet. I watched TV until my father arrived, he is very intimidating, a tall and strong wolf with amber eyes. When he got home, he took off his clothes, leaving only his underwear. He had brought a chicken for dinner.

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