Chapter 36 : Lucas is getting worse part two

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May 8, 2017

Ryan narrating

My father walked back home very irritated and I tried to keep up with him, but he walked quickly with heavy breathing. I was so scared, I couldn't look at his face.

My heart was a little racing and I was sweaty and tense, I felt a few tears come out of my eyes, but I held it, at the same time that came to mind, what Lucas and I had done and what his mother had said.

Ryan's dad — I can't believe Roberto said that. After all the help I've given him, he's always been a dumb guy, he didn't know shit.

When my father spoke and put out everything he was feeling, I trembled, I was afraid of all that fury left for me.

Ryan's Dad — You mean if his kid doesn't turn out the way he wants it to, it's my fault? And he has the nerve to insinuate that his son is the way he is because of mine. In college that shit knew shit and to think I had to help him pass that goddamn college. Still, he implies that our species is less intelligent than theirs. I always thought that boy was kind
of strange, but my son is not gay.

Listening to that was like feeling a stab in the heart, I kept listening to my father pour all his hatred and anger out. He started saying that wolves think they are superior, that they are arrogant, that all this social tension is their fault, that the conversation was unpleasant with them insinuating that I was a bad influence on their son even after being friends for so long.

Dad — Are you gay Ryan?

Ryan - No dad. — he said in a shaky voice and with his ears down then I remember what Lucas' mother said earlier and I started to cry.

Father - Why are you crying?

Ryan — TO DISGUISE! — I shouted — What Nicole said hurts a lot, she said that Lucas better have wolf friends and not raccoons, she was like despising me.

Dad - Don't stay like that son. - he says while stroking Ryan's head who was crying and had his ears down.

Father — I know you were very good friends, but it would be better for you to step aside.

Ryan- NO! - I said loudly, but I back off before my father suspects something.

Father thought — Maybe there really is something between these three, strange that I like to see them happy, I never admitted it, but they seem to have something special. I think it's just impulses.

My father looked at me a little thoughtful and suspicious, did I give the game away?

The whole conversation was just Lucas's father and mother insinuating that Matheus and I were gay and that we were leading Lucas down the wrong path.

My father and Leonardo were already getting serious, Leonardo was about to beat up Roberto and worst of all they kept insinuating that because we were hyenas or raccoons it was our fault.

They didn't realize it, they were very prejudiced and then tried to recant Ryan — Dad, I'm not going to pull away from my friend because of rumors.
Ryan's dad — As much as you don't want to, it's best to do this until the dust settles, everyone is implying you're gay, I've heard rumors that the three of you only walk around smiling with each other and aren't seen with girls.

I've been hearing around — says the father looking at Ryan — that you were having some rather obscene pranks with that hyena, but they didn't tell me what it was and that the three of you once skipped school to go to a river. I also heard that the three of you, when you came on the bus, listened to various jokes and that you made some dog challenges, apart from those hyenas and that cat who were all the time insinuating that you three are gay.

I listened to that in silence with my head down, I didn't say anything, I just accompanied him.

Ryan — I already said in that last “conversation” that Matheus was the one who was jealous of Lucas. They were together all the time, apart from the fact that I'm dating and they aren't. Lucas had been acting strange lately, he was all the time going to Matheus'
house, he just lived untouched there and Matheus was angry with me. There was even one time I saw the two of them holding hands.

Father — Matheus's father and Roberto didn't like hearing the truth, they keep trying to blame you.

Ryan thinking — What have I done? Now the blame goes entirely to Matheus. — while I was thinking that the sky was closing and we were already getting close to home. I walked into the house after my dad with my head down and ears flat. My mother was preparing the table and Nick was playing in the living room, he saw my father and I arrive, but he stayed there and as we talked, his ears pricked up to listen to the conversation.

My father was outraged and talked about everything that happened, while my mother listened worriedly. While I was there, it was as if time had stopped, listening to everything, I don't remember what I did next, when I'm amazed I'm in my room and Matheus arrives at Ryan trying to demand satisfaction, he had thrown all the blame on Matheus to defend himself, but even if he regretted it later, the damage was already done.

Matheus arrived soon grabbing him by the shirt, Matheus was irritated and pointed his finger at Ryan's face and pushed him against the wall. Ryan hated that and on impulse pushes him away and the confusion started, Ryan punched Matheus in the chin.

Matheus tried to hit him, but Ryan was faster and dodged the blows. An audience formed around, everyone was smiling and making fun of Matheus trying to hit Ryan and not succeeding.

Go Matheus, hit him! they shouted.

"Ihhhhhhhhhh, getting beat up by a raccoon!"

Ryan landed the blows, but found himself trapped with nowhere to escape. Ryan tries to dodge in one direction,
but Matheus pulls him by the tail, dominating him and he starts screaming trying to get free, but it was useless. Matheus already had a taste of gas and landed four punches, Ryan tried to use his hands to protect himself, but it was almost
useless. He then grabs one of Matheus's arms and unbalances making Matheus fall on top of him and the muzzles of the two fit

Everyone burst out laughing and Ryan took the opportunity to bite Matheus' face, and Matheus screamed in pain.

Raul and Lucas approached to separate the fight, Raul will hold Ryan pulling him and Lucas will hold Matheus.

As Raul bends down to pull Ryan away, Matheus punches him in the left eye.

Matheus even threw two more punches at Ryan.

Ryan was tired and did nothing more than try to use his hands to cushion the blow.

For Matthew! Lucas yelled.

Matheus was bleeding from the mouth and had bitten his tongue, Raul had a black eye and Ryan's face was swollen from the punches. Matheus was suspended for a week and their friendship was almost completely destroyed.

It hadn't been Ryan who had spread the rumor that Matheus was gay, not at school, it had been Micaele, the fox.

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