injured paw

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Pov. Storyteller

It was a normal school day and the biology teacher had given group work with five topics, each group could only choose one topic and the topics were: mammals, canines, felines, birds and marsupials and each group could only have a maximum of five members and the teacher even gave the order for the members to place their desks close to each other and start discussing the topic.

Mariana, seeing her friends gather and form a circle with their wallets, ran up to them and asked, - Is there room for one more? -

- Sorry, but with Matheus there are already five of us. - Said Lucas the wolf.

Mariana looked around and saw that practically the other groups were already formed.

- Luís doesn't have room for one more, there are already five - Said Paulo to his friend who was dragging the chair.

- I'll talk to the teacher, maybe she'll allow a group of six. - Said Luís.

- I don't think she will accept it. - Said Paulo.

- Maybe the teacher will allow a group of six. - Said Bianca the cat.

- There's no need for Luís to ask. - Said Matheus, who had heard Luís and Paulo talk about it.

Matheus and the rest of Lucas' group watched while Paulo asked the teacher if she was going to allow a group with one more.

- I said that each group has only five members. - Said the teacher to Luís, who was embarrassed.

- Everyone, silence! - Said the teacher, getting up from her chair while some students in the room argued and made noise.

Luís was embarrassed and stood there with his ears lowered while the teacher began to speak.

- I said that each group has only five members! Only five members. - Said the teacher after everyone was silent and paid attention to what she wanted to say.

- Wow, how Strict! - Said Mariana when she realized that Luís was embarrassed by the rude tone of the teacher's response.

Luís returned to his chair and sat with his ears down while Mariana didn't know what to do.

- It was just the two of you left, you will have to form a group. - Said Bianca.

Raul felt a little jealous when he imagined Mariana close to Luís.

- I don't understand, she said that each group is only five people and now it's just you and Luís left. - Said Ryan.

- Then go there and talk to her. - Said Matheus.

- I am not! - Ryan said, afraid of getting scolded by the teacher.

- Luís, why aren’t you in any group? - The teacher asked, seeing Luís alone sitting in his chair and away.

- There's no way I can join a group if each group can only have five people! - Said Luís, a little angry.

- Poor Luisinho! - Said Luan the lion.

- He's so funny! - Said Bianca smiling.

Mariana smiled, seeing Luís with an angry look on his face.

- Stupid teacher who doesn't know how to count! - Luís thought angrily as he looked at the teacher.

The teacher looked at the students in the room and noticed that Mariana was sitting in a chair a little away from Lucas's group.

The teacher counted the number of students per group and each group had five students.

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