Chapter 38 : Mateus and Leonardo

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April 28, 2019

narrator narrating

Matheus was being chased by the hyenas, the same ones that had chased Lucas, but unlike Lucas, Matheus decided to face them. He even did well, but when he knocked out the three hyenas the party stopped and the music stopped playing.

Everyone was staring at him until the furious mass started on top of Matheus and he started running towards the forest and while he was running in the middle of the mass trying to escape he was punched in the mouth and punched in the head.

When Matheus entered the forest for some reason, the crowd stopped chasing him and Matheus began to hear laughter and people saying he was going to die.

Matheus stopped running and looked back, there were some people trying to calm the anger of the enraged crowd and it was possible to hear some speaking very loudly with phrases like: “Are you crazy? He's just a teenager, he didn't deserve this” or like “Hey boy come here, it's dangerous there, nothing will happen if you come back, you'll be protected.” Matheus stood looking back while his mouth was bleeding and he felt pain in his body and head.

Matheus did not know what to do, whether to take the road or go back towards that city, while he was standing still he heard some insults such as: “DEATH TO THE WOLVES!” and “Die you filthy butchery wolf!” from the crowd, or things like: "He's just a kid, he could die in this forest, the wolves could kill him!"

Confused, Matheus continued running into the forest until he saw a clearing and to his surprise there was his father.

Matheus was startled and stood there staring at his father. Leonardo faces him with a cold expression and without saying a word. Matheus was confused and feeling pain for having been beaten, apart from his father's fear. His heart was racing and he couldn't feel his legs, he was shaky and cold.

The silence between the two was unsettling, it was possible to hear only the wind swaying the branches of the trees. Matheus was even more nervous because his father had said that he should have gotten rid of him when he was a child and because there was no one around and because his father was still armed. Matheus looks in all directions looking

for a way out, but he was cornered and didn't want to turn his back on his father, so as not to look like a coward and because his father stayed still and didn't say anything made him anxious and afraid.

" What if I attack him? " — thought Matheus — No, he's stronger, I can be beaten because he's armed and if I run I'll

look like a coward and if I apologize I'll look weak. — Matheus was thinking about what to do and couldn't make up his mind, that moment seemed to last forever.

Sorry. — says Matheus with his head and ears down, but Leonardo didn't say anything, he just stared at him coldly and with his arms crossed.

Matheus got even more nervous when his father started walking towards him while he remained motionless, he didn't want to show weakness. So the father takes him by the shoulders and looking him in the eyes and shaking him, says - Never do that again!

Leonardo started lecturing Matheus and while he was talking he shook him and asked — Are you what Matheus?

And Matheus answered almost crying that he was a wolf and that he was part of that family, but Matheus was already losing patience with Leonardo, and Leonardo who was already irritated with Matheus because he started to refuse

to answer his questions, he screamed, but Matheus didn't say anything.

Leonardo was already snarling with rage and Matheus too, Leonardo spoke and shook Matheus showing his huge wolf teeth and with his piercing look and Matheus was already showing his pointed teeth and his bright green eyes stared at Leonardo's amber ones.

Leonardo saw that Matheus wasn't going to lower his head to him and hit him with a blow, but ended up being bitten at the same time.

Matheus bit his father and held him and growled. Leonardo felt an enormous pain, but he controlled himself and pushed Matheus away, making him fall on his back, already tasting like gas. Now the fight was inevitable between the two and even with fear, Matheus decided to go for it.

Leonardo had his right paw bitten, but it wasn't a very deep bite, he soon recovered and went over to Matheus who was almost getting up when Leonardo kicked him. Matheus and Leonardo rolled on the ground with Leonardo trying to bite him while Matheus landed a punch on his snout and Leonardo hit Matheus with two more punches.

Leonardo pushes him against a tree and Matheus gets up trying to bite him. Leonardo takes him by both arms squeezing him trying to intimidate him and Matheus tries in every way to bite his father.

Until Matheus finds a gap and bites his father's left arm. Both were not thinking with so much accumulated anger, Leonardo pushed and punched Matheus in the back while Matheus bit him whenever he had the chance.

When Matheus noticed that he was losing the fight, he tried to escape, but was pulled by the tail and, seeing no alternative, bit his father's leg.

Leonardo screams in pain and, on impulse, hits his son in the head with a fist, making him pass out.

Leonardo then falls to the ground feeling a lot of pain, he was panting with three bites, on the leg, another on the right paw and one on the left arm, Matheus fell motionless to the ground and stayed there.

Leonardo gets up, goes to his son and shakes him, but Matheus doesn't react — MATHEUS! Leonardo shouted, rocking him, but the boy had completely blacked out. At that moment Leonardo felt desperate, he was rocking his son, but he was soft, he didn't even react.

Leonardo then takes Matheus in his arms and hugs him crying, he howls calling the other wolves and at that same moment he hugged his son tighter, feeling his warm fur, crying and having traumatic flashbacks.


Matheus crying because he hated looking like a hyena. Sometimes he wanted to be a wolf for looking for his father's affection and he denied it. Matheus smiling, howling and saying “Look dad I look like a wolf.”. Him saying he
should have eliminated Matheus when he was a kid. Matheus being rejected by his family. Matheus alone in a corner crying. Another time he thought about killing his son, but he couldn't and then he hugged him. And another occasion, where he tried to abandon his son in the same place where they were and Matheus stayed there crying, but when it was time to go, he regretted it and took him back.

While Leonardo was hugging his unconscious son, the wolves arrived and Leonardo started to go towards the car holding Matheus while the wolves accompanied him.

"Get the first-aid kit quickly!" Leonardo shouted to one of the wolves.

Then he delivers Matheus to another wolf and as he was injured he leans on another. They arrive at the car and Leonardo's wounds begin to be cleaned and then bandaged.

Matheus had a huge bump on his head, he was all dirty and with wounds in his mouth and some scratches, as he was unconscious, it was the biggest concern.

"Help him!" Leonardo shouted. Luckily Matheus was still breathing. The wolf then opens a glass of alcohol and puts it to him to smell and Matheus soon wakes up confused.

The car leaves the place towards the hospital and Matheus was soon attended to and the next day he was discharged. Leonardo was deeply sorry for what he had done and Matheus was a little afraid of his father, in the following days the two did not speak much and did not even look at each other. Juliana was furious with Leonardo for doing that and he got slapped across the face. She refused to sleep with him and became more protective of Matheus, treating him as if
he were her son and Barone moved away from his father a little.

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