injuried paw part 2

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Pov. Luís

It was night and I was lying on the sofa, my family was having dinner in the kitchen while I watched TV trying to distract myself from the pain I was feeling, my mother had already massaged my painful foot with gel and I had already taken pain medication but even so, that pain kept bothering me and I didn't think about anything and just wanted the pain to go away soon.

Even though it wasn't anything serious, the sprained foot was very swollen, I felt it throbbing and nothing could touch it because it hurt.

- Luís, are you hungry? - Asked my Mother.

- No, I'm not! - I replied while continuing to watch TV.

- You have to eat something! - Insisted my Mother.

- I'm not hungry! - He said to her.

- Does your foot still hurt? - Asked my Mother.

- A little! - He said.

- Your foot is getting really swollen! - Said my Mother.

- Can I have another massage? - I asked, wanting to relieve myself of all that discomfort.

My foot was resting on a sofa cushion and I was lying with my head resting on the arm of the sofa, my worried brother sat close to where my foot was resting on the sofa, shaking it and making my foot hurt.

- Is it hurting? - Asked my adopted brother worriedly.

- Yes! - I said to him.

- Don't touch my foot and don't shake the sofa! - I said to him.

My Mother came downstairs after taking a shower and took a small pot of massage gel that was on the dresser and sat down where my adopted brother was sitting, she very delicately placed the pillow on her lap along with my foot and started to spread the gel to do the massage, I felt my injured foot burning and hurting a little, my Mother asked if she could start the massage and I agreed with a yes, she delicately massaged my entire foot, it hurt a little but it was relieved, also after that massage my Mother asked if I was hungry and I said I wasn't going to sleep with an empty stomach that day.

When it was time to go to bed, my wolf father carried me and placed me lying face up on the bed, it was the second time that day that I was carried by a wolf!

I lay on my stomach and my Father went to cover me with the sheet and I felt my foot hurt just from touching the sheet.

- Does your foot hurt that much? - My father asked with a worried expression.

- Yes! Nothing can touch it! - I said to my Father.

My father covered me with the sheet with both my feet uncovered and left the massage cream near me, I even took a muscle relaxant before my Father left the room and turned off the lights.

I felt my foot begin to throb and hurt again and I applied some more massage cream to it, then returned to the same position on my back and tried to sleep.

I closed my eyes while lying on my back and spent a few minutes trying to fall asleep, but I couldn't sleep even though I felt sleepy, that was an uncomfortable position that I wasn't used to.

I tried to turn to my right side and sleep in the position I was used to, forgetting that my foot was injured and feeling enormous pain after almost trying to move it from its place.

I felt my foot begin to throb again with a dull pain after it had been relieved a little, I tried to adjust the cushion so that I could turn it to the right side and rest my foot on it.

I turned to my right side and placed my foot on the cushion but I had no relief and had to go back to being in the same position I was in before, face up.

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