Chapter : 26

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narrator narrating

Raul had completed his 14 years, but he felt as if nothing had changed with his body. He was thin, gangly, husky and low. The other boys, at the same age, were gaining body, getting taller or more attractive like Ryan. Raul, on the other hand, had an inferiority complex for being short and thin.

Raul narrating

I go into the bathroom to take a shower. Today will be Lucas' mother's birthday. While showering and soaping myself, I keep looking at my member.

He's too small — I thought — if only I could do something to make him bigger.

I turn off the shower, roll up the towel and go to my room to get dressed. I close the door and look at myself naked in the mirror.

Ridiculous — I thought — Too skinny.

At the same time, my member starts to get hard, I look at it in the mirror and think — Even hard, it's still small.

I start getting dressed, leave the room, sit on the couch and play Minecraft, which is my favorite game. Until it came to my mind to do the following research: “What to do to increase the size of your little friend?”. Several results appeared and I enter a page, while I am distracted by reading the page, my father approaches me and, seeing what he was searching for, he starts to smile.

He takes the phone out of my hand and I startle. He starts reading aloud what I was researching. What a shame, he keeps laughing at my face and I'm all red, I'm trying to take the cell phone out of his hand.

My mother and my older brother, John, appear and start laughing in my face along with my father. I get so angry that I take the phone and delete everything.

Calm down Raul, that's normal — said my father, still smiling.

“I'll spread the word,” says John.

"Oh, so I'm not going to the party anymore!" I say that as I go to my room.

— Come back here, Raul — says my mother — He won't say anything — she says, giving John a pinch.

I decided to go back to the living room, as it was almost time for Lucas' mother's party and we were walking towards Lucas' house. As we walked, John would whisper, "I'll tell Bianca," and I would get annoyed, my mother would pinch him to stop, and my father would try to keep a straight face as he spoke to John.

John was laughing along the way and we had to stop for a moment while John chatted with his group of friends. During their conversation, he would look in my direction and keep smiling and so would his friends.

"He's talking everything," I told my mother.

She doesn't like it and pulls John by the arm, who was in the middle of a group of girls. While he was pulled, everyone was laughing at his face and John didn't like that, he was sulking with me all the way to Lucas's house.

My mother was very serious and had pinched him on the arm, and I was laughing at his face. When we arrived at Lucas's house everything was already prepared, Bianca and Ryan with their parents were already present, Lucas and Matheus too. The adults sat down at the table, laid out the food and started talking. They talked about various things and we weren't paying much attention until they started talking about our puberty.

Bianca's father: — These kids nowadays are so forward, they can't control themselves. In our time it was different.

Bianca's mother: — I agree.

Bianca's father: — This girl can't control herself, I went to do a search on my laptop and it was full of pornographic pages.

Raul is the same, today I was researching how to increase the size of his dick — says John.

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