The Next day

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Raul narrating

We were all at home, my mom, dad, me and John. When we heard someone knocking on the door. My mother answered and it was Mariana with her father. I was sitting at the table and about to eat when I heard them talking about me. Soon after, my mother called me.

“ Oh no, here comes trouble. I thought as I got up and walked to the door. Mariana's father was a little serious and so was my mother while Mariana was close to him with her ears down and the scratch he had given her had swollen up.

Mariana's father was saying that he should be careful and that he could have blinded his daughter, that felines only play hard games and only know how to scratch. He also said that he shouldn't scratch his daughter and that you don't hit a wolf's face.

He said that while pointing his finger at his daughter's wound and then towards me. Because I was raising the tone, the atmosphere was already getting heavy and my mother was getting reddened nails and hair on end and John appeared soon after and so did my father.

If it was up to John, there would be a fight right there and he already wanted to add fuel to the fire.

I kind of stood behind my mother while Mariana's father, who was a huge gray wolf, pointed his finger in the direction and stared at me with those blue eyes, like I was a threat to his daughter. Meanwhile, Mariana stood behind him with her head down and looking like she wanted to cry, but things calmed down and the two of them were invited to come into our house and have dinner.

My brother John didn't want to receive them and my father had to pull one of his ears. We all went to the table and took our seats while my mother offered Mariana and her father cooked fish.

John refused to sit down at the table again, he didn't want to share the same table with wolves, but my father grabbed him by the shirt and forced him to sit down and stay in place. I sat on one side of the table and Mariana on the other, we were face to face and as the place
was lighter we could see that the scratch swelled and formed a path from the muzzle to close to the eye. At this time I felt guilty, Mariana was a little sad

Her father sat next to her, as tempers had already gone down he apologized and said that he overreacted and that he was just protecting his daughter

But dad, I said it was just a joke, he's not to blame for anything, he didn't have to do that. - said Mariana

I found out later that her father came here before I knew what had really happened. He acts a lot on impulse, that's why he did a
lot of stupid things and lost a lot of money around, and he almost lost my parents' friendship, but as my parents know him well, they let it go and things calmed down.

—And why would it be Raul's fault alone? Just because your daughter is a wolf is she so innocent? John asked teasingly.

John. - says my father a little serious and my mother looks at him with a disapproving look.

Mariana, who comes after him every time, she plays these stupid games of dog and wolf licking and biting and Raul the animal that he accepts. — says John

John, To the bedroom. - says my mother and he withdraws and goes to the bedroom.

He scratched me on impulse, it wasn't his fault — says Mariana — and we were just kidding, nothing more.

Mariana's father would look at her and look at me and say that he hopes we're still just friends and that it's best to avoid scratching games. After a while the conversation moved on to other subjects and our parents were already laughing with each other, which was normal, they had a disagreement and then everything was ok.

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