Chapter 8

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Ryan is getting more and more naughty

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lucas thinking

I went to visit Matheus at his house. He looked kind of sad, he said his mother left them when he was three. My God, I wonder what mother would do that to her own child. He also told me that he once had a wolf brother who looked like his father, but the little wolf died when he was three years old.

Matheus's father was a police officer, but that house has very expensive items for someone who earns a police salary.

Does his father mistreat him?

He looked really sad and he cried, hugging me when I asked about his mother. When I arrived at his house, there was a fallen table and broken dishes. I wonder what's in that room.

tells Lucas

It was March 12, 2015, Saturday morning. My parents weren't home, and guess who shows up? Ryan!

He walks into my house, excited, bringing his GTA video game. He comes hugging me. Is it just me or are his hugs more frequent and tighter? He only hugs me from behind or from the side. Ryan wasn't like that and he keeps looking at me with this weird look, like he wants to do something to me. That game is great, you can do everything, I like to shoot people, get in the car and run away. There was a time when Ryan grabbed the controller from my hand and accelerated the car at high speed, running over several people.

" That's how you play, " he said.

He put some mods that could even have tanks and he left running over a mass of passengers and cars.

He was so excited that I noticed a throbbing bulge in his shorts. Flustered, I started to get aroused too, so aroused that my breathing was heavy and my tongue was sticking out.

Ryan sees me like that and he puts his paws inside my shirt and starts rubbing them against my fur.

It was such a pleasant feeling that I started laughing like a crazy hyena.

He pushes me onto the couch and I lie there with my tail wagging, he continues tickling me until eventually he opens my mouth and says:

“ Look what we have here .” He touches my two pointy teeth and plays with my lips, then takes both canine teeth with his fingers.

I give him a light bite on the neck and he seems to like it. Then I bit his face lightly and held it with half of his snout in my mouth. He even tried to get free, but I held him for a while until he managed to get away. Then I start growling at him, baring fangs. He runs through the house and I follow him, until he gets stuck and I say:

“I got you.

I pulled him by the tail and he started making the noise that raccoons make when times are tough, I thought that was so cute and I took him back to the couch. When we get to the couch I start kissing him and he kisses me too. He kept staring at

my shorts until he pulls my underwear down and I pull his as well, he was wearing blue underwear. His body is so beautiful. Then out of nowhere, someone appears knocking on the door, it was my mother.

We get ready quickly and I answer the door. She arrives saying she's going out with her friends to a salon and says she's going to leave food ready for us. I tell her not to worry because we knew how to get by. " I want her to leave soon so we can continue making out, " Lucas thought.

Ryan was so fake that he had a face like nothing had happened. He kept playing and she didn't even suspect anything.

She gets the food ready and leaves. Then Ryan looks at me right away with a perverted face, his mischievous smile and

twinkle in his eyes wanting to finish what he started. He now takes off his shorts and shirt, leaving only his underwear in front of me.

I get a little embarrassed and he comes to me wanting to hug me and even bit my face. He's pretty strong. He gets a pissy dog face and I start to feel his member. Then I start to take off my clothes too, leaving only my underwear. He said I have an attractive body and looking like two wolves in heat, we went upstairs towards the bedroom.

He laid down on my bed and I was on top this time. We took off our underpants and started rubbing our members against each other, I started hitting our members glued to each other. We were only 13 and 14 and we were doing this. It's what happens when you see your friend watching certain videos, it makes you want to do the same. Our limbs were already swollen.

Ryan was all red and even moaned a little. I kept doing the movement until we leaked at the same time He even gave a moan of pleasure. I didn't believe what I said that, but I groaned saying, " Ryaaan ~"

After that we cleaned up and went back to the living room to play as if nothing had happened.

My mother arrived at 2 o'clock.

Ryan walked me back home to get ready for my history paper presentation on Monday.

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