Chapter 28 : Tragédy

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Lucas narrating

May 5, 2017

I was at Matheus' house with him, waiting for his father to arrive.

I was teaching him biology and then he taught me history. I'm terrible at this subject, I don't memorize dates or names, it's difficult for me. Already he is getting confused with the bryophytes and pteridophytes.

Matheus says — Bryophytes and pteridophytes. Sounds like a dinosaur name, that's not getting into my head.

I say — Concentrate, they are two different types of plants, not reptiles.

Matheus still looks at me with a doubtful face and it took a lot of effort to learn. I think he knows how to explain things better than I do, like, he gets excited when he's going to explain some history or math. We were talking about prehistory and he, enthusiastically, explained everything in detail, which makes it a pleasure to learn from him.

Matheus — The first recorded settlements date back to 10,000 BC Cats and dogs were the first to stop being nomads and also the first to cultivate wheat and domesticate other animals such as cattle. In practice, they are wolves or felines that first evolved through interbreeding and changing lifestyles.

Lucas — Interesting, so dogs are wolves and cats are felines.

Matheus — Not exactly, Lucas. For these two species to arise, there were crosses between certain groups and some
genetic modification and they ended up moving away from the tree of the two primary species, while the other species, neither
so much.

Lucas — Interesting, I'm starting to like history.

Matheus — Oh, and I'm not so much into biology, it's a lot of names and everything is very complex. I wonder how the first living thing came about or how some species evolved and others didn't.

Lucas — Oh, did you know that felines and canines had a common ancestor?

Matheus — I had no idea.

Lucas — The wolves went further to the north and the felines to the warmer regions. At some point, millions of years ago, there was a species that split into two: one gave rise to felines and the other to canines. By the way, which of the two do you consider yourself?

“ I have no idea. I don't want to talk about it, my father doesn't accept me because of it - says Matheus, sad.

I said that to me, he was a wolf. I could see a glint in his eyes, I think being recognized as a wolf was everything to him. But someone would deduce that, the shape of his face is different and even the eyes and tail that seem to be a wolf, apart from the spots on the body and the details in the fur that is a little curly and a little smooth. This was a fragile subject for him, I was surprised when I learned that Matheus' father was a wolf.

But as for his mother or some other distant relative, Matheus didn't look like his parents at all, even though his father says that Matheus was his son. I even mentioned it to Ryan and my parents and I realized that wolves are more affectionate with people who are similar to them. Does this rule apply to my parents or me?

My parents joke sometimes that their grandchildren will be wolves and that they want me to marry a wolf. If I were different from them, would they accept me the way I am?

I feel sorry for Matheus for that and I feel kind of guilty. That's why I approached him, I also see him as a brother I never had. He's almost like that, I just notice that sometimes he's closed off and doesn't like to say what he's feeling.

He's a little possessive and a little aggressive, but other than that he's a great friend. He never took the initiative and like, he hugged me, but deep down he likes me, I can see that.

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