Chapter 43

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May 12, 2019

narrator narrating

It had been two weeks since Matheus and Leonardo had argued, the dust had already settled, the two didn't argue anymore, but the two became more distant from each other. Leonardo didn't know what to do to make peace with his son and he regretted what he had done, but it was too late, Matheus had already closed himself in his world.

In the days after the confusion, Matheus kept to himself, erased and excluded. No longer looked you in the eye and avoided physical contact, etc.

Matheus only went down to eat, Leonardo had the impression that his son was out of touch without any emotion, with a look of emptiness and sadness.

Leonardo also felt lonely, Juliana was irritated with him and spent a week trying to stay away from him and Barone wanted to be closer to Matheus and Juliana. Juliana and Leonardo got back together a week later, who they discovered was pregnant.

Leonardo was very happy and so was she, but not as happy as one would expect, as their relationship was a little shaky.

matheus narrating

It was May 12, 2019, I woke up this day stretching in bed, I look at the clock and see it was half past six, I was about to get out of bed, when I hear someone going up the stairs and the steps were approaching the door and the It smelled like my dad. He turns the latch and walks into the room.

I lay down on the bed and turn my back to the door and pretend I'm sleeping, he approaches the bed where I was, stands still watching for a moment, passes his paw stroking my head and then goes away.

I'm still lying in bed, I wasn't thinking about getting up, when I hear someone coming running upstairs.

“ It has to be the Barone. — I thought, and it really was, I continued lying in the same position when he enters the room and jumps on top of me, right on my belly.

I could hear his tail swinging like a propeller and he was biting my ears and pulling them and licking my face trying to get me up.

I was tickling about it and I was laughing and he kept pushing me telling me to get up and I was still.

“Get up. - Barone said, trying to get me out of the place and then I grabbed his face lightly and then I sat on the bed, Barone hugged me and tried to push me, but I was stronger. I grabbed him by the skin behind the back of his neck and held him smiling while he tried to free himself and even bit me, however, I wouldn't let go.

He was very cute, I kept watching him and out of nowhere Lucas came to mind. I felt a little sad and let go of the Barone, then looked pensively at the floor.

It is good too? asks Baron.

“Yes, yes, I'm just thinking. - I answer.

You look sad. Barone said.

“I said it's okay, it's no big deal, it will pass. - I say, Barone comes closer to me and hugs me.

It felt so good to be in that warm, spontaneous embrace. It had been a while since she'd felt that way, since she'd been with Lucas. After that I get out of bed and with him I go down the stairs and have breakfast.

When I go downstairs, Juliana was all dressed up as if she was going out and her belly had grown a little more.

I was about to call you — said Juliana — we were going to ask you to stay with Barone, we're going to do an ultrasound. she said smiling.

My dad just gives me a smile that seems kind of forced and runs his paw over my head ruffling my hair. That was strange, very strange, then they leave and it's just Barone and me in the house.

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