Chapter 35 : Lucas is getting worse

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May 05, 2017

narrator narrating

Lucas rings the doorbell of his house and takes a few looks back to see if Leonardo was still there and when his mother replies that she would answer the door, Leonardo's car leaves the place, but before Leonardo steps on the accelerator, he he puts one of his fingers in his mouth, gesturing the phrase “not a word”. Lucas's mother opens the door and he enters the house as if nothing had happened.

Nicole narrating

I was getting worried about Lucas, it was late and he hadn't come home yet. I answer the door and notice that he seems kind of nervous, like something's happened, lately he's been really weird. He takes too long at Matheus' house and also looks at Ryan and Matheus in a very strange way.

I ask him why it was taking so long and he tells me he was clearing Matheus' doubts.

"What subject?" - I question and he takes a while to answer.

Portuguese language. he replies after thinking for a few seconds. " Did something happen, Lucas?" I ask him.

" No, " Lucas stammered, his voice shaking and almost crying.

He tells me that he is very tired and that he just wants to go to his room and rest. I don't stop him, but he looks like he wants to cry and I want to know why, I consider calling Ryan or having a serious talk with him alone.

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Lucas narrating

At that moment, after having seen all that, I just wanted to cry. I go upstairs, head to the bathroom to take a shower and turn on the shower, as the water falls and wets my fur, tears flow from my eyes. I cried for all those people I saw being killed, I cried for having escaped with my

life and I cried for Matheus. He didn't deserve to have a father like that, I thought it would be a good idea to tell Matheus what I had seen, but I was running the risk of my life, because his father was watching.

While I was trying to digest everything I had seen, my mother complained that I was taking too long and wasting too much water.

I turn off the shower and dry myself, I go to the bedroom, I put on only my underwear and I lie on the bed and break down in tears. Don't get that poor fox out of my head, asking not to die begging for life, this is unfair. What did those animals do to deserve that?

While I cried I hug myself on the pillow, I asked myself. — Why did Matheus's father do that? Why is he so mean? — fear started to turn into anger inside me, I was thinking of telling Matheus everything, I even thought of hiding a knife in my pocket, approaching Leonardo and sticking the knife in his belly, but soon this hatred turned to pure fear again.

I was afraid of losing my life, what if those wolves came after me or my family?

At the same moment the memory of the deafening noise of bullets passing through the other animals, the smell of their blood, all this came to mind, tormenting me and more and more I tried to stifle the tears.

When my father comes home and starts talking to my mother, I dry my tears and out of curiosity I approach the stairs and listen to what they were talking about, it was about me.

My mother told my father that he had taken too long at Matheus's house and he was trembling and almost crying when he spoke.

She also said that I've been very strange lately, that I keep looking at Ryan and Matheus in a strange way, she also said that it would be better for them to have a conversation with me and was even thinking of calling Ryan or his parents.

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