Chapter 39 : Frist impressions part one

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Lucas narrating

I met Matheus during the first day of school in 2015, he was very shy, angry at times and not very comfortable around wolves. When we were getting to know each other, Matheus barely looked into my eyes, sometimes I spoke to him and he would look away, even though he was bigger than me, but slowly he opened up and felt more and more comfortable with us. At first Ryan wasn't very fond of him and Bianca didn't let go of him, but Matheus was more interested in me than in Bianca.

We sat close to each other, but in separate chairs and sometimes in different rows. Sometimes Matheus would pass by and Bianca would hold his tail or pat his savings and keep smiling, Matheus would also smile and it seemed that the two would have something, to the fury of Ryan and Raul who were jealous, but towards the end of the year Bianca lost interest in Matheus and ended up with Raul and the two remained friends.

During the year, I watched Matheus and Ryan change. Matheus was a little aggressive, closed and petty, but little by little he revealed himself to be very docile.

It was May 20, 2015, we were walking, the sun was a little hot, but as the city was wooded we came through the shadows. Some wolves passed by on the bus laughing and looking at Matheus and he got a little mad. I asked him why those wolves made fun of him, but he preferred not to bring it up and continued walking very seriously.

I continued walking with him and noticed that his expression was kind of sad, as if those wolves were messing with him somehow.

He realized that I was kind of worried about him and out of nowhere he says he's worried about the Portuguese language and says that his father gets angry when he has some kind of difficulty at school.

I tell him not to worry about it and ask if I could stay with him at his house for the afternoon to help him and he immediately accepts, kind of worried and says that I should be careful and not touch anything.

I spend the next few afternoons at his house, helping him with the subjects he was struggling with and he manages to get a good grade, thanks to my help.

It became like a routine, we would leave school, he would go straight to his house and I to mine. I had lunch, showered and went to his house to help him and we spent half the afternoon studying and the other half playing, watching and chatting away. One day he was a bit careless, he had left the door ajar, Ryan and I were going to his house and he was taking some
controllers to play. When I went to knock on the door, it opened and we decided to go in, Ryan still called — Matheus, are you there?

We went into the house and we heard a door open and Matheus came out carefree, only in his underwear, he saw us and screamed and so did we.

" What are you doing here?" - asks Matheus with a red face and looking for something to hide his shame.

The door was open — I say with a red face — and we decided to go in.

“Those little underpants actually look good on you ,” said Ryan, smiling smugly.

I slap Ryan on the head and say sorry to Matheus as he tried to hide the front with his tail because there was nothing else to cover.

Don't look at me — says Matheus, but we both can't stop looking at his underwear

Matheus passes between us with a red face and goes up the stairs to his room to get dressed and quickly goes down.

Ryan and I were a little excited to see that, Matheus comes down already dressed in shorts, with a notebook and a pen in his hands and we go to the table to start studying.

Matheus barely looked at our faces and Ryan's naughty face looking and laughing at him only made everything worse and Matheus kept smiling and couldn't concentrate. When I was asking Matheus questions, Ryan kept whispering “yellow underwear” in his ear and Matheus kept laughing.

“For Ryan. I told him and he stopped.

And out of nowhere he started telling some stories about a boy who only walked around the house in his underpants. I was already losing patience with him and Matheus too, finally Ryan stopped. We finished studying and then we played a little minecraft, when we finished it was five o'clock and we returned to our homes.

During the time we were there, Matheus was embarrassed and barely looked at our face properly.

We were returning home and as we walked back Matheus kept telling those same stories making me laugh, until Raul's brother appears pedaling and slaps Ryan on the head and leaves pedaling and smiling.

Ryan hated John and got kind of pissed off as I laughed in his face. It was funny to see him angry, but then his expression changed as a group of wolf girls walked past him. That was strange, they looked more at him than at me who was a wolf.

Ryan was staring at them with that naughty look and a mischievous smile on his face. They just looked at him, smiled and kept walking. He was very happy and confident and he was looking at me with a mocking face, like making fun of them for not giving a shit about me.

We continued walking towards my house and we passed Raul the lynx's house. Raul was on the sidewalk sitting on the curb and on the other side of the street there were several hot girls talking, but they didn't give a damn about him. He kept trying to flirt with them, but they just looked at him with mockery.

Ryan walked around behind him, on the curb yelling his name as he grabbed him from behind and squeezed him like a teddy bear. Raul couldn't get rid of Ryan, who was stronger and that was still embarrassing for Raul, because the

girls looked and laughed.

Ryan turns him to face him and ruffles his whiskers and pulls his ears. I tell Ryan to stop and he does.

Then Ryan and I made our way towards our house and Raul stood there with his fur all messed up and embarrassed. Ryan looks back saying good-bye and then looks towards the girls who smile and Raul leaves the curb and goes into the house

I think I'd better talk to him later. - I thought.

I arrived at my house and then Ryan went to his, we said goodbye and Ryan continued walking. For some strange reason, I stood in the doorway watching him walk, watching his raccoon tail sway as he walked and I got the impression he was looking back with a naughty face.

It didn't take long and my parents arrived, my mother prepared lunch, we ate and then I stayed on the couch watching something, sometimes my member got hard out of nowhere and my heart raced.

I was watching a movie when my father sat on the other sofa, my member started to get hard and I put a pillow on top

to hide it, at the same time my mother tells me to go get the clothes from the backyard and I say I'll be right there and I will only finish this part. But fifteen minutes later my member was still hard and wouldn't go down and she already wanted it to go soon and my father too.

I was tight, but when I get up, it starts to go down. I quickly walk to the backyard, grab everything quickly and then go back to the living room and keep looking at their faces to see if they noticed anything, but thank God they didn't.

I watched some television and then I went upstairs to sleep and fell asleep, I was dreaming and having a strange

feeling. When I woke up, my member was hard and dirty with a hot and viscous liquid similar to milk, I quickly went to the bathroom to clean myself, but I had an urge that I can't explain to make movements in my member, I do them until

I leave more of the liquid and soils the entire toilet lid.

That feeling was strange, but good. I look in the mirror and I'm panting with my tongue out and flushed, I quickly clean the toilet seat.

Then I take a shower, put on clean clothes and pick up the dirty clothes and the bedclothes and put them in the laundry basket.

Afterwards, I go back to bed with my heart racing and with the feeling that I had done something wrong.

The next day I talked to my parents about what had happened and they, smiling, said that it was normal.

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