Chapter Three

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Calla throws Seraphina's door open before the sun has risen.

"Up you get!" she booms, throwing Seraphina's covers off. Seraphina groans and curls up into a tight ball.

"No," she mutters, turning away from Calla. The mattress sinks under Calla's weight as she kneels on the bed beside Seraphina.

Seraphina squeals as Calla pokes her in the side. Her body jolts and she tries to whack Calla's hand away whilst suppressing giggles.

"You're so mean," she pouts, sitting up.

"I know," Calla mocks and stands up. "Come on, I've got a full day of training planned."

"UGHHHH," Seraphina huffs and throws herself back onto the bed.

"Downstairs in five," Calla orders and turns and leaves the room. Seraphina sighs and sits back up again. She rubs her eyes, stretches, and then stands. Opening the door to her small, rickety wardrobe, she pulls out her training clothes and quickly changes into them.

She nearly falls over as she tries to pull up the tight, leather trousers and she curses as she fiddles with intricate strings on the brown corset. She secures it tightly, knowing that today is going to be a day of high excursion and she needs as much support as possible. The ivory shirt beneath the corset is stained with dirt from her training a few days ago. Seraphina sighs, remembering that she was meant to wash it.

Just before the five-minute deadline, Seraphina storms down the stairs, the house seemingly shaking with every heavy footfall.

"Could you be any louder?" Calla asks as she puts a bowl of porridge on the table.

"We both know the answer to that," Seraphina grins as she throws herself down. Her hands wrap around the spoon, but before she can shove any of the hot oats into her mouth, Calla snatches the spoon away.

"Morning prayers," she orders.

Seraphina frowns. "Why? We don't pray to the gods."

"You need to get into the routine," Calla tells her. "Prayers and worship are very strict at the academy. So, pray."

Seraphina sighs and stands up. She closes her eyes and then covers her left eye with her right hand.

"To Gods. Thank you for breakfast an-"

She's interrupted by Calla whacking the back of her head lightly with the spoon. Seraphina sighs dramatically. With her left hand, she lifts it up to her chest and rests it over her heart.

"My sacred lords of above," she begins, "I open one eye to you and close one to evil. I hold my heart so that I can extend it to you as a sign of my true devotion. I call to you to express my eternal gratitude for the day you have blessed me. I thank you for your gift of love, and life. I thank you for your gift of hope and wonder. I thank you for the sacrifices you made to protect, nourish, and improve us. In return for your precious gifts, I vow that I shall always be obedient to your just and fair demands. I vow that I am yours, forever, and always. On this day, I shall act as your representative, and I shall cherish the gift of life you have bestowed upon me. Blessed be those who obey with heart, soul, and mind."

"Good," Calla says as Seraphina drops her arms.

She slumps back onto her chair and drags her porridge back in front of her, shovelling the quickly cooling gloop into her mouth quickly. Calla rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

So engrossed with her food, Seraphina doesn't notice as Calla walks over to her wonky wooden bookshelf. She jumps when Calla drops four large books on the table before her, making it shudder.

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